Starting With Traffic
Easy Steps Traffic
The first thing internet marketers should look for in order to get their business rolling is traffic. This actually is the beginning and the end in marketing for online presence activity.
Getting traffic to a website is a common sense must for conducting online business. Otherwise there isn?t any purpose in having a site at all. Getting traffic is simply getting visitors to view your site. This is done in a variety of ways.
There are several types of services for directing traffic to a site. Some, like spam are very unfavored, while others like pay-per-click search engine ads are considered the best.
One well known method used to generate website traffic that I will be discussing in this post, falls somewhere in between. I am mentioning this because it is a rather controversial issue as to weather this method falls into the bad or good category of traffic generating. My aim is to share my experience with it.
Traffic Exchanges are pay per view services for viewing websites in exchange for others to view yours. There are some points of views expressing this type of traffic as questionable. However many feel it is a great way to keep up to date with what?s new as well as a good source finding people who may be interested in whatever they are promoting.
Traffic exchanges are subject to the same interactive positive and negative behaviors the rest of the internet are. There is nothing wrong with the service Traffic Exchanges provide, it?s perfectly legitimate and fine. It is how people use it that creates the good or bad activity. For example, email is a service that near everyone on the net uses. On the positive side it is great for communicating. However it is also used for spamming. We don?t condemn email services due to spam.
The idea behind TE is to take a look at what?s being shown and if you like it, take things to the next level. This is very much like Google ads where each click has it?s value in earning on the publisher?s side and spending on the promoter?s side. The difference being search engines are more individually targeted, while most exchanges are membership targeted.
The conditions of how traffic exchange sites work differ. To own and run one is simply a matter of purchasing an applicable script. The more complicated aspect is to design and choose how to set up your exchange site to work. The standards types are basically the same click, view, and timer set up. Some of these types have been around for several years.
Owning a traffic exchange is becoming a popular way to conduct online business. Each standard set up still comes with it?s own theme and unique twist to it.
Although each one is set up to attract people with an interest in their theme, the bulk of their sites to be viewed are business related.
~Hits Safari This exchange has several years behind it?s existence. It is a simple set up that is easy to follow and understand. It appeals to animal lovers with an interest for site traffic
~I Love Hits This is another TE that has been around for years. This TE is fully equipped with support, resources, tools, and tips. The good thing about the older traffic exchanges is their experience in knowing about business building and their members needs.
~Marijuana Hits Is a real attention grabber for the curious non burnt-out brains that wish to make a stand in legalizing marijuana for medical purposes.
~Traffic Toolbar A very old but updated unique exchange. It supplies a service that leads to targeted views of your site through a downloaded tool bar that shows ads as you use your browser for other things
In addition to attracting through interest topic some exchanges have chat features added. This can be a plus for interacting with potential prospects who have just viewed your site.
~Traffic Dance This is a fairly new and very lively Traffic exchange. With music, color, and chat features.
~Sweeva Has the ability to let you interact with other members in real time as they view sites.
Finally the last category of exchanges that I have had experience with are those that have search engine like ads to click on instead of an automatic rotation of sites. This brings a more precise personal interest aspect to the exchange. In addition these sites are prone to a wide variety in types of sites, where as others generally are business related.
~Traffic Swarm Is well known for it?s unique way to mix and mingle search engine like click per view ads with timed viewing in exchange for your own ad to be posted. The viewers get to pick the ads that interest them.
~Click Thru Is the exchange with a lot of variety. There are different ways to submit your sites, different ways to view, and different ways to spend your earned credit.
~AdLand Pro This is a full fledged Business Communities with a combination of groups, forums, members profile, and traffic exchanges. A very huge community that has many years behind it also.
The sites I have listed here are just a few of many traffic exchanges. The venture into the world of traffic exchanges can have you up to your ears in views, but if you know how to work them effectively they can be an important part building your business online.
CTP has a step by step system to hep you learn the best way to click, track and profit from traffic exchanges
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