Monday, July 11, 2011

Cambridge Sports Union: CSU Ski Camp - Day 2

Sorry I don't have more photos from day 2, but the morning workout was hill bounding and ski walking on Mt. Watatic with excellent views off to the north on a beautiful day.? We ski walked to the top, then did a series of short, explosive bounds with poles.? Then we headed further down to start a workout of 4 x 6 min. or 6 x 6 min. of ski walking intervals.? Everyone who thought this was going to be too easy a workout didn't think so by the end!?

In the afternoon was an OD skate ski.? We broke up into a few groups and got in between 1.5 - 2 hrs. of skating on some pretty good hills for an excellent workout.?

Finally, in the evening, to celebrate birthdays of Eli and Hannah we headed off to mini-golf and ice cream.? In the annual coaches battle Rob and I duked it out with me gaining revenge over Rob for last year's defeat.? Much fun was had by all and much blood was lost to the local mosquito population.?

?Top of Mt. Watatic before bounding

?Post ice cream and golf nonsense

Cecily rises to the top!?


scotty mcknight cato cupertino priceline bridge visceral sugarland

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