Friday, October 14, 2011

DonorsChoose #scibloggers4students: now occupying your social media.

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A video communiqu? from Science Bloggers for Students 2011:

#scibloggers4students occupy your social media

The drive runs through October 22, and a number of Scientific American blogs (Anthropology in Practice, The Artful Amoeba, Doing Good Science, EvoEcoLab, PsiVid, Science Sushi, The Thoughtful Animal, and The Urban Scientist ? so far) are participating.

Here?s the Scientific American leaderboard.

Here?s my giving page.

If you can spare a few bucks, you can help bring school kids the books, equipment, field trips, or other goodies that will make their science education come alive.

Janet D. StemwedelAbout the Author: Janet D. Stemwedel is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at San Jos? State University. Her explorations of ethics, scientific knowledge-building, and how they are intertwined are informed by her misspent scientific youth as a physical chemist. Follow on Twitter @docfreeride.

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.


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