Sunday, May 15, 2011

Labor Communications: NFL Style - MarketShare - Advertising ...


May. 13 2011 - 5:56 pm | 44 views | 0 recommendations |

Several months ago I opined in O?Dwyer?s PR about a behind-the-scenes communications campaign led by a relatively anonymous communicator named George Atallah, without even mentioning him by name.

Atallah is director of communications for the NFL Players Association, and if you have been stuck on a desert island, the NFL is currently out of business due to a labor stand-off between the league and its players union.

At the time I wrote about it, I was critical of NFLPA?s strategy, feeling the league had more effectively harnessed the message ? despite the NFL?s argument being quite weak ? mostly because star players were not being used effectively to get out in front of the NFL. Since then I?d been chomping at the bit to speak with Atallah, all the while watching NFLPA?s message become more broadly understood and seeing star players stand up and be heard about the issues.

And this week I got my chance.

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