Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Stock Exchange: Taking Inventory Of Your Relationship - Are ...

So you?re cruising along in an amicable relationship, and you?re wondering if, at 6 months or a year into it, your man has long-term relationship potential. After all, if a long-term relationship or marriage is what you?re ultimately looking for, you might have to take stock of your relationship early on before you get too far in ? involved, in love, in debt or in denial. After putting in work getting to know someone and spending time with them, you want to believe that your current boo could be your ?happily ever after? guy ? not just a distraction or someone taking up space. If you want to make sure you?re on the right track, or spinning your wheels, here are some things to take inventory of to make sure you?re headed in the right direction and not wasting your precious time.


acceptance, appreciation, fighting fair, Future Plans, long term commitment, love, marriage, Outside Interests, Play time, quality time, relationships

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