Monday, August 20, 2012

How to choose a REALTOR - CG Real Estate

Buying? a house is a very big and costly decision to make so you shouldn?t?trust just?anyone with such a big purchase.? When you decide it is time to take the leap into home ownership there are many unknown obstacles?that can arise so it?s important to have someone to guide you through the process.? If you?re a?first time home buyer, enlisting a REALTOR to help usually costs nothing to you, as most commissions are paid by the seller.? It?s called a co broke.? Some companies however may charge? a flat rate service fee, just remember that everything in the real estate business is negotiable.? When choosing an agent who is right for you, do some investigating.? Ask family, friends and co workers who they have used in the past and who they would recommend.? referrals?are everything in this business.? With today?s technology?its easy?to find anything on the internet.? Start by search sites such as Zillow, Trulia, or Many of these sites give information about the local real estate market.? Zillow for example allows past clients to write reviews?about their?experiences and many agents have bios listing services and experience.?It?s a good site to get information about specific agents.? If you are looking to buy in a specific area, an agent who lives in those surrounding towns may have more local knowledge than someone who lives 30 minutes away.? Many REALTORS have a specialty.? Some work mainly as buyers agents, others mainly list properties, some?do commercial real estate?and some?specialize??in short sales and foreclosures.? If you are a buyer I would highly suggest seeking out a buyer?s agent. ?You also need to find a REALTOR who is very flexible with their?schedule and understands what your needs and goals are.? Nobody wants their?time to be wasted.? Find out what mortgage brokers and attorneys your perspective?REALTOR works with frequently.? One person doesn?t get the deal to closing, it is a team effort so finding professionals who work well together helps a lot.? Interviewing multiple REALTORS is a good idea also.? You can find which ones are in it strictly for the commission and which ones genuinely love what they do and enjoy helping people.?? You can tell within 5 minutes of talking to an agent.? Never sign a buyer representation agreement until you have done your homework.? You don?t want to get stuck working with someone who??isn?t right for you because you signed a contract.? Follow these easy tips and the process is much easier.? Happy house hunting!


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