Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Codecademy Surges To 200,000 Users, 2.1 Million Lessons Completed In 72 Hours

codeThree days ago I wrote about Codecademy ??a slick, fun way to teach yourself how to program. The app has done an excellent job minimizing the frustration often associated with writing your first lines of code, and it sports a good-looking and intuitive interface. Another plus: the initial signup flow doesn't show up til you've completed your first few lessons, so you're writing code within a few seconds of landing at It seems I'm not the only one who liked it: cofounder Zach Sims tells us that in the three days since the application launched, it has drawn 200,000 unique users. That's users who have actually interacted with the app ??and not people who hit the webpage and bounced away a second later. Perhaps even more impressive: users have completed a total number of 2.1 million exercises.


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