Thursday, September 6, 2012

Anti-aging market matures, offers new opportunities | Marketing ...

As Boomers reluctantly march towards retirement, they will want to stay active and do all the things they once did?hike, bike, run, garden, travel. In other words, despite flat sales in recent years for glucosamine and chondroitin supplements, joint care still has room to grow. They want to look younger?French maritime pine bark. They want to read, watch movies, and gaze proudly upon their grandchildren?lutein. They don?t want to expire early?fish oil, resveratrol. They want a regular life ? probiotics, soluble fiber.

Fi: How do you see the market progressing in the coming year?

Angela Lee Tsetsis, President and CEO at Fluxome

Consumers need to understand clearly what resveratrol can do for them. When we deliver this message properly and with the right scientific evidence, I am confident they will buy the product. I also believe this market prefers natural products that are sustainably produced without contaminants and from sources they can trust and understand. Companies like ours who can deliver this will realize a premium and have the best opportunity for growth.


Fi: What is the key driver or category for this condition?

ALT: Baby Boomers want to preserve their health and fitness for as long as possible. They are looking for natural and safe ways to age successfully.


Fi: How does your ingredient fit into the overall healthy-aging picture?

ALT: Fluxome offers resveratrol from a safe, natural, and pure source that is sustainably produced from yeast. It is a highly concentrated way to deliver the benefits of red wine without the risks of contaminants or lower concentrations in lower-end products.


Fi: In your opinion, where is the biggest opportunity for growth in the anti-aging/healthy-aging market?

ALT: We need to capture the attention of Baby Boomers through focusing on healthy aging and proving good scientific benefits. Other product attributes like ?all natural,? ?sustainably produced,? and ?high concentration? will also drive growth.?


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