Friday, September 9, 2011

Three Keys to Personal Finance Success |

Most people I know walk through life aimlessly with financial plans they?ll never achieve. Why? They lack personal finance knowledge and discipline. They expect to magically wake up one day with all their problems solved and money in the bank. I know that?s not you though. Here are three tips to get you going.

First, trim the fat. No, I don?t mean the extra baggage on you (good idea though). I mean look around at every dollar you spend each year and see what you can cut out. Never think something is ?just? $x. Every dollar you cut counts.

Second, buy only what you need and save wants for special occasions. Often we spend money all day long and for stuff we don?t need. It?s not how much stuff you have. It?s about quality and function.

Third, make a serious effort to either advance in your current career or find a better one. Don?t put it off, start today.

personal finance
Today at 11:29 am


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