Friday, September 30, 2011

Battlefield 3 Tournament to Occur in 2012 : Videogame News ...

Posted by Rexly Penaflorida II on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?

There Can Only Be?One!

Adding to the excite?ment of the Bat?tle?field 3 mul?ti?player beta that began on Sep?tem?ber 27, DICE announced one more item regard?ing the mul?ti?player, and it is?big:

Start?ing in early 2012, the Bat?tle?field World?wide Con?quest Tour?na?ment will begin. Play?ers will need to form teams and par?tic?i?pate in numer?ous events to win the grand prize: $1.6 mil?lion. Together with Vir?gin Gam?ing, DICE is about to put on what just might be the most epic tour?na?ment ever and with a grand prize that is so huge, it is hard to refuse.

There is one lit?tle catch, how?ever. The tour?na?ment is only avail?able to PS3 and Xbox 360 play?ers. Sorry PC fans. So if there are those out there who are pur?chas?ing Bat?tle?field 3 next month for the PC, con?sider get?ting a copy for one of the two con?soles. Many will enter, only one team will win. For more infor?ma?tion on the tour?na?ment, check out Vir?gin Gaming?s page on the?event.

[Source: VG247]?


Share your thoughts: Will you par?tic?i?pate in the Bat?tle?field World?wide Con?quest Tour?na?ment? For those with a PC, does this bit of news change your mind about using a con?sole for the?game?



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