Friday, September 30, 2011

Cancer film "50/50" delivers laughs and life lessons (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? Adam, a producer at an NPR radio station in Seattle, is out for a jog. While waiting for a stoplight to turn green, he reflexively reaches behind him to rub a sore muscle in his back.

But it's not just a temporary ache. Adam (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) soon learns that he has a rare form of cancer on his spine. His prognosis isn't great, maybe 50/50 at best. He'll have to undergo radiation to shrink the tumor and then a risky operation to remove it.

Adam is 27.

That's the set up for "50/50," a modest comic drama that is one of this fall's surprise pleasures. The film shows, matter-of-factly and with a healthy dose of humor, how Adam deals with the situation, and how his family, girlfriend (Bryce Dallas Howard), best buddy (Seth Rogen) and colleagues do as well.

The film is loosely based on first-time screenwriter Will Reiser's own bout with the disease. Given that he wrote this movie, viewers will know ahead of time there's a better than 50/50 chance that things will end well.

Unlike so many other cancer and deadly disease movies, "50/50" isn't about watching an ill protagonist check items off a bucket list, find true love just before breathing his last, or becoming noble through illness. (Decades ago, when Mad magazine parodied "Love Story," it said the movie's bedridden heroine suffered from Movie Star Disease, explaining, "That's when you get more and more beautiful and then you die.")

Rather, "50/50" is about Adam having the rotten luck to get cancer and then deal with it as best he can, coping along the way with the good, the bad and the funny.

In the movie, as in life, the people around him react in various ways to his disease. His girlfriend tries to be supportive but it's just not in her. His bumbling best buddy is there for Adam, but isn't above using his pal's cancer as a surefire pick-up line with girls.

His over-protective mother (a lovely turn by Anjelica Huston) would be there 24/7 if he would let her, even as she copes with caring for Adam's father, who's fast disappearing into dementia. And there's also a charmingly bumbling, tyro therapist (Anna Kendrick) who's helping Adam to talk through his illness issues.

It's a mark of the movie's gentle approach, and sticking to the way things are rather than the way we would want them to be, that there's a scene late in "50/50" in which Adam's parents visit him in the hospital on the morning of his surgery. It's a tricky operation and he could easily die on the table or end up paralyzed.

But in the scene, while his mother sheds tears and hugs him, his out-of-it father, rather than having a sudden dramatic moment of lucidity or saying something crazy but also poignantly to the point, instead proudly boasts to Adam that the new jacket he's wearing is from Brooks Brothers.

It's a moment so bittersweet it breaks your heart.

Director Jonathan Levine ("The Wackness") finds a rhythm that works for the movie, mostly going for comedy but giving the dramatic moments their due. Gordon-Levitt continues to impress as a leading man of depth and wry comic flair (who'd have thunk it when he was just that weird looking little kid on TV's "3rd Rock from the Sun"?) and Kendrick and Rogan are sprightly fun.

Add "50/50" to your want to see list. And then make an appointment for your annual physical with your doctor.


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Battlefield 3 Tournament to Occur in 2012 : Videogame News ...

Posted by Rexly Penaflorida II on Wednesday, September 28, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?

There Can Only Be?One!

Adding to the excite?ment of the Bat?tle?field 3 mul?ti?player beta that began on Sep?tem?ber 27, DICE announced one more item regard?ing the mul?ti?player, and it is?big:

Start?ing in early 2012, the Bat?tle?field World?wide Con?quest Tour?na?ment will begin. Play?ers will need to form teams and par?tic?i?pate in numer?ous events to win the grand prize: $1.6 mil?lion. Together with Vir?gin Gam?ing, DICE is about to put on what just might be the most epic tour?na?ment ever and with a grand prize that is so huge, it is hard to refuse.

There is one lit?tle catch, how?ever. The tour?na?ment is only avail?able to PS3 and Xbox 360 play?ers. Sorry PC fans. So if there are those out there who are pur?chas?ing Bat?tle?field 3 next month for the PC, con?sider get?ting a copy for one of the two con?soles. Many will enter, only one team will win. For more infor?ma?tion on the tour?na?ment, check out Vir?gin Gaming?s page on the?event.

[Source: VG247]?


Share your thoughts: Will you par?tic?i?pate in the Bat?tle?field World?wide Con?quest Tour?na?ment? For those with a PC, does this bit of news change your mind about using a con?sole for the?game?



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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Having a speech hinderance is not a ... - Health Fitness Business

Speed disorders and speech impediments

Speech aberrations or speech impediments are communication aberrations that interrupt ?normal ? speech. One of the commonest ones is stuttering. Having a speech impediment, like a stutter, is not just a physical problem, it can also become an emotional one. Youngsters with speech incapacities are sometimes bullied and teased and when they grow up, they carry these emotional scars with them. These aberrations can encompass stuttering, lisps, and vocal dysphonia. Somebody whose speech disorder renders her fully unable to speak is considered mute. Speech anomalies are often due to hearing impairment or neurological disorders. Speech disorders include stuttering, lisps, cluttering, spasmodic dysphonia, and rhotacism. Speech aberrations can on occasion be treated, but seldom cured, with speech therapy.

There are 3 levels of classification that are used to figure out the type and level of a speech disorder. They include: (one) what types of sounds a patient can produce; (2) if sounds can be produced with stimulation; (three) if no sounds can be produced.

speech impediment discrimination

These are some examples of the methods you could be discriminated against if you've got a speech snag:

  • Your employer does not permit you to miss work for medical appointments
  • Your employer doesn't accommodate your desire to take a reasonable quantity of time off of work
  • Your employer won't provide reasonable on-site accommodations for your incapacity
  • Your employer doesn't accommodate your desire to attend speech treatment sessions

Fortunately the law protects you if you've got a speech impediment that is categorized as a disease:

To state a cause of action for incapacity discrimination, an employee must be disabled, regarded as disabled, or have a record of being disabled. The employee must then show that:

  • his or her disability ends in physical restrictions
  • that he can still perform the indispensable functions of the job (without or with reasonable accommodations)
  • and that the employer took some adverse action (such as not hiring, firing, or demoting the employee) on the grounds of that disability

Both the US people with Disabilities Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act provide protection against discrimination primarily based on disability. A speech language disease is such a incapacity, worthy of protection from discrimination, as long as the individual is substantially limited in a life activity. A lecture disorder may not be considered a disability unless it substantially obstructs the subject's capability to work. If the speech disorder is harsh enough, then the employer may not take any negative action against a worker because of the employee?s speech language disease. The employer also has an obligation to provide reasonable accommodation to an employee with a talk disorder in order to permit the worker to perform the essential functions of the job. The law will protect an employee whose employer doesn't provide these required accommodations. For instance, if the individual needs to occasionally leave work so as to attend speech treatment sessions, the employer has a need to accommodate the individual accordingly, unless doing so would unduly burden the employer. If you?ve been the victim of speech impediment discrimination make sure to contact an attorney.

Prandep Carlsbad chatted to a discrimination attorney after he was fired for stuttering. The discrimination attorney was ready to help him navigate the situation without a lawsuit.



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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finance And Business | Ways to chose business accounting ...

Small business accounting software is of huge benefit for a business, for those who have chosen the best package which meets your business requirements. The software application can help you toward restructure the entire accounting procedure, it also is included with a simple to understand audit trail. Having believed so, accounting computer software may not always works wonders for your organization, especially when you have chosen the incorrect system. It can lead to complication of your company operation and bring about frustration with your users. As a result this can be very important that you need to judge and examine the software package that you would be using for your company, and you will want to judge not just the current company requirement you furthermore may want to think about the long run requirements. Additionally it is vital to test that the software program integrates fine with your current business practices.

Before you start to get the accounting software application, it is essential to firstly establish the requirements of your company, in other terms, your technological requisite. The features of various small business accounting software differ depending on different type of business establishment. For instance, a retailer company would want and benefit from the software system feature of monitoring stock, while those companies within the service sector find the time tracking functionality more advantageous. Remember that there can be industry specific accounting software build up designed for exact industry requests, the features of those software package might not accessible in a common accounting software program. This is also why the necessity to consider the business requirements so substantial.

It can be important for all small business owners to make sure that the accounting software package has the potential growing with their company requirements. It may be exceptionally expensive to alter and make modifications for a small business software package whilst your business has expanded. Hence you should opt for a accounting business software program that is able to give you additional features after your organization grow. Software package with a good track record and from a good corporation usually has all these designed inside the system.

For companies concerning the stock management, we can not overemphasize how essential it really is that you need to judge the software?s features as far as stock control concerns, Stock control is not just concerning keeping track of your stock, it includes good stock evaluation, notifying stock buyer for replenishing for things once their stock level reaches the smallest amount. Unfortunately to say that most companies have difficulty with keeping a up to date record of their inventories, be aware we now have accounting software program which keep lots of promise, however in the case of streamlining stock control, the amount of money that it involves is often beyond their means.

Small companies who wish to obtain the maximum from the software system ought to choose the software package which promotes integration of every relevant business data and using standard accounting techniques, it must also support tailored business forms like quotation and purchase orders, invoices must be effortlessly created through the software program. The software ought to be able to access client information easily like names, phone numbers, vendor and contact address of this client. In order to make payroll process less difficult, the computer software ought to automatically connect all databases that hold the staff? names, address, tax information and phone number. The key requirement for a small business accounting software is always to automate utmost accounting procedure and integrate important business data.

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Article Added on Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Other Articles by John F.H.

?How to evaluate business accounting software
Business accounting software is of huge benefit for a company, for those who have selected the best package that meets your company requirements. The software application can assist you toward restructure all the accounting process, it too is included with a simple to grasp audit trail. Having said so, accounting computer software might not at all times works miracles for your business, particularly if you have chosen the wrong system. It often leads to complication of your business operation...

?Tips on how to select business accounting software
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?My recommendations about methods to chose the best expenditure report software
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?Business invoice software mac overview
Every business requests invoice software either it is invoice software mac or windows to keep records of all sales invoices for book maintenance and tax purposes. With a vast array of invoice software distributors, it's not difficult to obtain an appropriate invoice software system for your company, having assumed so, a lot of the software program files that you find available run on Microsoft Windows platforms only, it is not common to find invoice software runs on Mac, We've prepared a pretty...

?Open source invoice software program Is it worthwhile
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

India and Pakistan push fragile ties with trade diplomacy (Reuters)

NEW DELHI (Reuters) ? The trade ministers of India and Pakistan meet in New Delhi on Wednesday to discuss measures to overhaul ragged commercial ties which should help bolster a fragile peace process between the nuclear armed neighbours.

Wednesday's meeting is part of this year's resumption of formal peace talks, known locally as the "composite dialogue," which were broken off after the Mumbai militant attacks in 2008 that killed 166 people and for which India partly blamed Pakistani spies.

Lasting peace between the two countries is seen as key to stability in the South Asian region and help a troubled transition in Afghanistan as NATO-led forces plan their military withdrawal.

For Pakistan, the talks between Makhdoom Amin Fahim and India's Anand Sharma may be a welcome distraction from a diplomatic crisis with its biggest ally and benefactor, the United States.

For India, the talks are a small step further to achieving what Prime Minister Manmohan Singh sees as his most important goal of permanent peace, although major issues such as the fate of the divided Kashmir region remain unresolved.

"There is no direct linkage between a successful trade meeting and success on the political front, or the Kashmir front, but eventually these things will feed into that wider process," said Siddharth Varadarajan, editor of the Hindu newspaper and a well-known foreign policy expert.

"I think both sides, for better or worse, have decided to press ahead with the low-hanging fruit and hope that this improves the atmospherics, hope that it improves the overall picture in South Asia," he said.


India and Pakistan may be home to some 1.4 billion people but bilateral trade flows are paltry -- a legacy of mistrust between the South Asian neighbours who have gone to war three times since their independence from Britain in 1947.

The achievements are likely to be modest -- from opening trading posts to stamping more business visas -- but even small moves can improve frayed ties.

Irritants abound. Trade across what is one of the world's most heavily militarized borders is severely restricted both in the number of items that are permitted to be bought and sold, and the hours during which the customs are open for business.

Exporters are forced to route the bulk of trade via a third party such as Dubai, raising business costs, slowing deliveries and inflating prices. Business leaders on both sides bemoan the untapped potential of hundreds of millions of new customers.

Islamabad wants India to lower what it says are unfair barriers to trade, such as cumbersome approval procedures for exporters selling anything from cement to fruit and vegetables.

Another sore point is India's continued opposition to a scheme proposed by the European Union to boost textile exports from areas of Pakistan ravaged by floods with duty waivers.

Europe's top trade official on Tuesday boosted expectations that India is ready to approve the scheme.

"We have also information ... whereby India would now be prepared to lift its veto," EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht told EU lawmakers at the European Parliament, which must also approve the duty breaks.

Formal approval by India could follow at the World Trade Organization in early November and subsequently by the European Parliament, opening the way for European duties to be lifted on a list of Pakistani textiles and other products including ethanol as early as next January.

(Added reporting by Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck in Brussels; Editing by Alistair Scrutton and Jonathan Thatcher)


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Lions?off to rare 3-0 start

Detroit celebrates 'best win ever' after rallying to 26-23 OT win

Image: Calvin JohnsonAP

Detroit Lions wide receiver Calvin Johnson stands in the end zone after catching a touchdown pass during the second half an NFL football game against the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone)


updated 4:39 p.m. ET Sept. 25, 2011

MINNEAPOLIS - Staring at a 20-0 deficit as they trudged into the Metrodome locker room at halftime, the old Detroit Lions would have started making plans to leave Minnesota with another loss.

In this young season, it is becoming abundantly clear that these are not the same old Lions.

Matthew Stafford threw two touchdown passes in the second half to help Detroit get to overtime, and Jason Hanson kicked a 32-yard field goal to finish off a 26-23 victory over the Minnesota Vikings on Sunday.

Calvin Johnson had seven catches for 108 yards and two touchdowns for the Lions, who are 3-0 for the first time since 1980. They won in the Metrodome for the first time since 1997, snapping a 13-game skid.

"This is my best win ever," said Lions center Dominic Raiola, who was 0 for 10 in the Metrodome before Sunday. "We're talking about a place we've never won, since 1997."

Adrian Peterson rushed for 78 yards and a touchdown, but only 5 of those yards came in the second half as the Vikings (0-3) gave away a double-digit halftime lead for the third week in a row.

"It's tough," Peterson said. "I feel sick right now."

Stafford completed 32 of 46 passes for 378 yards, and he saved his best throw of the day for his last.

With blitzing Vikings linebacker Chad Greenway right in Stafford's grill, the young quarterback heaved a pass off his back foot in Johnson's direction. The 6-foot-5 Johnson made a brilliant 40-yard catch with Cedric Griffin all over him, and Hanson calmly drilled the field goal for the winning score.

"Nothing needed to be said. I think we knew we were going to go down there and score ? that's the way every good offense is," Stafford said of the final drive. "We didn't blink at all. We just went down there and put some points on the board."

There was a little confusion after the kick, with officials blowing their whistles and holding off the celebration. But this was a long time coming for the Lions, and coach Jim Schwartz could be heard over the referee's microphone yelling "Learn the (expletive) rules!" as he jogged toward his handshake with the Vikings' Leslie Frazier.

"It was as tough as a win ... as I've been a part of," Schwartz said. "We had to overcome a lot of adversity. It's tough to be down 20 at the half."

Stafford looked completely lost against the Vikings' aggressive array of zone blitzes in the first half, throwing for just 64 yards. He was a different quarterback in the second half, calmly dissecting the Vikings defense and keeping the Lions confident.

"The dude, for missing two seasons (with injuries), he's so calm and collected and that whole attitude goes over the whole huddle," Johnson said. "He's our coach on the field. He's a great leader for us and he makes big plays."

Brandon Pettigrew had 11 catches for 112 yards for the Lions, who were favored in Minnesota for the first time since 1981.

Jared Allen had three sacks, Brian Robison added two and Donovan McNabb threw for 211 yards and a touchdown for the Vikings.

For the third week in a row, the Vikings came out of the gates flying. Peterson had a 6-yard touchdown run, and the defense sacked Stafford, who had hardly been touched in the first two weeks, three times in the first half.

The Lions had minus-7 yards of offense in the first quarter, and Marcus Sherels' 53-yard punt return set up McNabb's 8-yard TD to Visanthe Shiancoe for a 20-0 lead right before the break.

Just as they had done with a 17-7 lead over the Chargers in Week 1 and a 17-0 lead over the Bucs in Week 2, the Vikings gave it all away.

Stafford hit Johnson for a 32-yard TD, and Hanson's 27-yard field goal cut the lead in half at 20-10.

Jahvid Best's 60-yard screen pass gave the Lions a first-and-goal at the 5 as the third quarter came to an end, one that saw the Lions outgain the Vikings 190-6.

Stafford's 5-yard TD to Johnson made it 20-17 early in the fourth quarter, and Frazier decided to go for it on fourth-and-1 from the Detroit 17 rather than kick a field goal. Toby Gerhart was stuffed by DeAndre Levy.

"We thought we had a good play, a play we were confident we could get inches on, and they did a good job of stopping it," Frazier said

Stafford drove the Lions right back down the field, and Hanson's 50-yard field goal tied the game with 5:20 to play.

Hanson, the only player on the team who had a victory as a Lion in the Metrodome, kicked four field goals.

"Whatever happens out there," an emboldened Raiola said, "we have whatever we need in this locker room to come back from it."

NOTES: It's the first time in Johnson's career he's had at least two touchdowns receiving in three straight games. He's only the second player in team history to do that. ... The Vikings are 1 for 15 on third downs in the second half this year while their opponents are 13 for 22. ... Michael Jenkins had nine catches for 88 yards for the Vikings. ... Frazier said McNabb hurt his right wrist on a sack in the fourth quarter.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, September 26, 2011

Sharp as a Blade - Brain Training | Self Improvement Tips

We are not born with the same intellect, but we can make the most of our mental abilities if we don?t forget that brain training is just as important as daily workouts. Our brain follows a very strict pattern, and that?s why following special programs can help us enhance our native intelligence and overcome our limits. Sometimes the toughest competition is with yourself, and if you want to excel, it is necessary to push yourself further and mark every milestone.

brain training With as little as one hour for a week dedicated to brain training, it is possible to record incredible results in just a few months. It all begins with an assessment that will tell you more about your current level and highlight the problems or strong points in attention, memory, perception and focus. By knowing your strengths and vulnerabilities, you can focus on improving those areas that leave a lot to be desired. Even if you have a good memory and excellent perception, there is always room for better.

The brain training systems are individualized so that they will appeal to every individual and help him make the most of these sessions. This means that you can tackle a vast array of subjects such as planning, spatial perception, working or contextual memory, visual scanning and many more. It will keep you in shape mentally, which is just as important as staying fit and healthy, so don?t neglect your mind when you are spending a lot of time and energy to strengthen your body.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

All You Need To Know About Marketing Your Business Online ...

All You Need To Know About Marketing Your Business Online Through Video

Article by M. Wooden

There are many ways you can market your business, but marketing your business online through video is a far more effective way to get your product widely known. Through the internet you are able to catch the attention of many people by just putting up an advertisement or a video that people find interesting. A popular place that will help marketing your business online through video is commonly known as YouTube. YouTube will let you put up an advertisement for free as long as it fits their guidelines and agreements.

Videos are no longer just known as a source of information and/or entertainment. With the dawn of the internet, a new avenue has been created for marketing products. Marketing your business online through video has started to grow quickly because of the speed of being able to transmit those videos. Thus, the success of video marketing is based. Marketing using a video allows you to show all of your products and how to use them. They are used by many different types of businesses, ranging from cooking products to heavy machinery. No matter what you are looking for, you will be able to find it through a marketing business video.

How Can You Get Started Marketing Your Business Online Through Video?

The first part of making a marketing video is very fun, although it takes a lot of effort to put together. You will have to go through the entire production process of filming and editing a video before it is ready for the internet. For this part a video camera and microphones will become very useful. Make sure you edit your film so that it isn?t more than 2-4 minutes long. If you are marketing your business online through video, people won?t pay attention to it if it is too long.

Posting a Marketing Video

If you don?t want to look for each and every video sharing website to start marketing your business online through video you can go to Tube Mogul. Tube Mogul will help get your video out to these websites and can help you advertise and promote your business. As long as your video is very catchy and not too long, you should be able to attract a lot of traffic to your business and/or website.

If you want to go the long way around, you can post the videos yourself on all of the popular video-viewing sites. Most sites will let you post for free, so marketing your business online through video quite easy. After you have sent out your video you will begin to notice how many more people are visiting your website and buying your products. Posting a marketing video online is easy, but if you don?t know how you can research further for that information.

* All sites are slightly different when it comes to posting videos, although most will have some sort of ?Upload? button on their main page that you can use. A lot of sites will require you to become a user or their site before they will let you upload a video. As long as you know the file in which your video is stored, you should have no problem getting it onto the site.

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Hair Loss ? A Symptom of Thyroid Disorder | 3NM.ORG

Alopecia, baldness or commonly known as hair loss can be of different nature. Hair thinning may be due to medications, heredity, genes, ageing, improper diet, etc. It can even be a symptom of an ongoing disease that you might be experiencing. Hair thinning or change in hair texture is one of the most easily detectable symptoms of a thyroid condition.

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One of the many causes of hair thinning or baldness is thyroid malfunctioning. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can cause severe baldness. Hypothyroidism is a condition when there is a deficiency of thyroid hormones in the body. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, is characterized by excessive amounts of thyroid hormone in the body.? In both cases, the hormonal level in the body gets disturbed or altered.

Hair loss could be the first significant symptom of an impending condition in the body especially with hormones.? Other people consider hair as the barometer of one?s health for the reason that hair cells are some of the fastest growing materials in the body and when hair cells shut down themselves, it is an indication of a certain bodily crisis.

One of the main characteristics for hypothyroidism is thinning and losing hair shafts from the end or outer edge of the eyebrows. The hair on the head may become thinner and start falling off. In this case, the rate of hair fall is greater than the normal rate (50?100 hair shafts per day). Other effects of hypothyroidism on the hairs are changes in texture and dryness and the hairs can easily be tangled.

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To stop hair loss caused by Thyroid disorder, it is important to seek proper medical help from professionals who can give you proper advice and medication. One also needs to take vitamins to effectively restore hair caused by thyroid disorder. Many patients have found vitamins to be an effective way of restoring hair after thyroid-induced baldness. Vitamins B, C, and E all nourish the hair, skin and fingernails. You can take them in supplement form, and can also massage the scalp with oils containing these vitamins.

There are some other techniques like alternative therapies including acupressure or acupuncture which can treat both thyroid problem and hair fall at the same time. Essential oils containing different herbs can also solve baldness up to a certain extent. You also need to avoid harsh chemicals from shampoos and soap, instead use natural herbal shampoos which are mild.

Following proper diet and regimen as instructed by your endocrinologist can also get rid of thyroid hormonal disorder. Once your hormonal level comes to normal, the baldness can be prevented. Once a thyroid problem has been diagnosed and the underlying cause of the hair loss is being treated, you can begin nourishing the hair you have and learning how to stimulate hair growth.

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Inconsistent use of different products for the hair can certainly cause hair fall and other hair problems like split ends and thinning hair. Certain types of conditioners, shampoos, gels and the likes contain harsh ingredients that can likely contribute damaging effects to the hair. It is really important to acquire products that are gentle and mild and to use these products regularly.


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

No Child Left Behind waiver may be near, state says (Star Tribune)

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Home Improvement Outlet stores offer Best Deals

If you think it would be with a home improvement project, you probably have in mind is a large number of stores such as Lowes or Home Depot. However, these shops often have higher prices than many of the mom and pop shops or even home improvement outlet stores.

These home improvement outlet stores can you with everything you need to provide without your wallet, as one of the big name stores. There are many home improvement outlet stores, as many big, big name stores home improvement tools, supplies, and much more to offer. Shop Around

to not only stop at your local home improvement outlet shopping. It would be better to compare the prices, especially food and gas prices, as they are. Would not you like for as many home improvement tools, supplies and everything you need while saving money? Of course you would. Whether you?re shopping stores at Lowes, Home Depot, one of the other big name, or a home improvement outlet store to compare prices so you can save as much money as possible to

. Bigger is not always better

You may think that these big stores are great because they are better. That is simply not the case. Home improvement outlet stores are often from people who know more and more useful occupied. These people really care about you and your needs.

Because they might not be so many things, or how much advertising as the other big names, they must respect and your business. They will often go the extra mile to satisfy you. This is just one of the many advantages of shopping at a home improvement outlet store.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Research on Influencing Factors and Dynamic Mechanism of Business

home > Management > Research on Influencing Factors and Dynamic Mechanism of Business Process Change Management

?Abstract? Business Process Reengineering (BPR) has penetrated into every continent since Hammer et al. presented this theory. However, the facts suggest that reengineering projects have a high failure rate more than 70%. Researchers have found that the problems largely lay in business process change management. The implementation of business process change management is concerned both in theoretical and industrial fields. In this dissertation, we try to do some research on influencing factors and dynamic mechanism of business process change management.First, we provide the influencing factors model of business process change management from "hard" and "soft" views. We conclude the key influencing factors based on change management and business process change management literature review, which are strategy, process, infrastructure, people and culture. And then, we analyze these factors thoroughly.Secondly, we verify and amend the influencing factors model based on empirical study. We have done a survey on the implementation of business process change management in China, and then conclude some key successful factors of business process change management for Chinese companies. Based on the survey results, we use principal component analysis method to verify and amend the influencing factors model, and then analyze the relativity between each influencing factor and project objectives.Then, we introduce the chaos theory into process change dynamic mechanism based on the enterprise life circle. We analyze the commonness between chaos and business process change management, and demonstrate the feasibility to use chaos theory in business process change management. Also, we suggest the four stages model of process change from dynamic view according to the life cycle theory. Using the chaos theory, we find that there are bifurcations and chaos during the life circle using Logistic function, and analyze qualitatively the different effect of each factor in different stage.At last, we describe two cases that have implemented business process change management projects during their informization history to validate the rationality of the business process change management dynamic mechanism.

Title: Research on Influencing Factors and Dynamic Mechanism of Business Process Change Management
Category: Management economics
Filename: Research on Influencing Factors and Dynamic Mechanism of Business Process Change Management.doc
Pages: 138
Price: US$38.00

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Don't rely on China to keep the world economy going

What keeps this world economy turning around?

Skip to next paragraph Bill Bonner

Bill has written two New York Times best-selling books, Financial Reckoning Day and Empire of Debt. With political journalist Lila Rajiva, he wrote his third New York Times best-selling book, Mobs, Messiahs and Markets, which offers concrete advice on how to avoid the public spectacle of modern finance. Since 1999, Bill has been a daily contributor and the driving force behind The Daily Reckoning (

Recent posts

Not the US. America?s private sector isn?t spinning at all. It?s stuck?dead in the water?out of gas?pumped out?

GDP growth is reported at 1%. But that?s almost all government transfer payments and stimulus deficits. Real growth is negative.

And all the recent reports show it is getting worse. Wall Street is cutting earnings estimates?strategists reduced their S&P 500 targets 8%.

?corporate tax receipts have decelerated sharply?

?the president?s job bill is DOA in Congress?

?retail sales are slowing?

?and prices are softening, with the core CPI headed below 2%.

As we keep saying, there is nothing unusual about this. It?s just what you?d expect in a Great Correction. And it will probably get much worse.

How about Europe, then? Maybe Europe is providing the steam to keep things moving.

Uh uh. Moody?s just downgraded French banks? It assumed they would lose 60% on their Greek debt holdings. But the banks themselves have only written off about 20%. And then there?s the Italian debt. And the Spanish debt.

They?ve got a long way to go. And it?s all down.

Merkel and Sarkozy may pledge to keep the olive countries from defaulting. But where will they get the money? France is deep in debt too. And the German economy has stopped growing all together. Not to mention that German voters are just about fed up. They won?t pay for the Greeks to take early retirements forever.

Europeans are becoming old, tired pinchpennies. Just like Americans. They?ve got a social welfare system they can?t afford ? just like Americans. And they?re going broke ? just like Americans.

What they don?t have is a huge, expensive, aggressive military. Americans regard their armed forces with pride. They see the Pentagon as their greatest strength. Actually, it is their biggest weakness. All told, the imperial agenda costs the US $1.2 trillion per year. Ultimately, both Europeans and Americans may be forced to tighten their social welfare belts.

But can the Americans off-load their ammunition belts? We don?t think so. There are two parts to the human character, said the ancient Greeks. There is appetite and spirit. Appetite is logical, goal-oriented, material?and sensible. But the spirit is mad. It is concerned with symbols?atavistic impulses and the length of God?s arms. The spirit sets off on the road to Hell. The appetite shows it how to get there.

But we are getting off the subject. What keeps the world economy going, we asked? Europe is stuck in the mud. The US is exhausted.


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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Handheld Video Game Systems: Taking Entertainment Wherever ...

Checkout the article below on "Handheld Video Game Systems: Taking Entertainment Wherever You Go" Not scores of populace appreciate concerning "Console Systems" topic as media has not bothered along with people linked with this issue have not been vocal enough. Although that is shifting nowadays, more people are coming to identify regarding Console Systems because of proliferation of media outlets. Take comprehensive advantage of invaluable knowledge in this piece of writing and please take time to appreciate it fully instead of just skimming through it.

The writer Abraham David is responsible for producing this write-up If you require to take this piece of writing please link back to this web page. Article on "Handheld Video Game Systems: Taking Entertainment Wherever You Go" starts after this.

Article Starts from Here:

Everywhere people go, they always tend to look for quality entertainment to keep them from getting bored. Some people like to watch movies, others like to watch sports, while some wants to play video games.

Since the evolution of video games, people love to get entertainment. So, when video games were first introduced, store shelves were constantly running out of systems because of the popularity of video games. Besides, who wouldn?t want to have quality entertainment right at the comforts of their own home?

Before we continue with the piece of writing allow me reveal that anything in this article on "Handheld Video Game Systems: Taking Entertainment Wherever You Go"is my opinion, please perform your investigation ahead of taking any action. Please inquire a specialist of the applicable field. is not responsible for any damages of any kind that may arise from applying information contained in this article.

Video games have come a long way since its invention. First versions of video games have simple pixilated graphics and simple sounds that really entertained people from that era. Families enjoyed playing these video games as a form of entertainment. Children and adults alike played for hours just to finish a certain video game title.

After finishing that, people still seem that they can?t get enough of video games and they simply purchased another gaming cartridge with a new game title and played with it for another hour or two.

People even loves going to the mall just to play in the arcade. Arcade games are fun and people really pay lots of money to play in the arcade.

However, you want something that you can play with in your own home. You want something that you can have access to anytime you want. And, you want a video game system that you can take with you wherever you go to keep on entertaining yourself and keep away from getting bored.

Whether you want to let time pass, or you are craving for a little entertainment, one of the best ways to do this is by purchasing handheld video gaming systems.

Surely, you can?t bring your gaming console everywhere you go. You need two things for it to work. First you need a TV; and second you need an electrical outlet (which may be different in another country). Carrying around your gaming console can also be very inconvenient whenever you travel. And, it can even get more frustrating if the countries you will be going to have voltages in their power outlet different from the voltage requirement of your gaming console. You should also consider that the plugs from different countries are different and you will need a plug adaptor for you to be able to plug in and make your gaming console work.

However, there are video gaming systems available today that are very convenient. These are called the handheld gaming systems. These devices can let you play games wherever you are. You can play games while you are riding the bus, or the car. These things are battery operated and some can even fit in your pocket.

During the early years of handheld video game systems, it originally had crude graphics with an LED screed to display the game. However, recent technologies have made it possible to get the games in color and have more stunning 3D graphics.

People from all over the world consider handheld video games as one of the best ways to pass the time or to entertain themselves while traveling. However, with all of the available handheld video game systems in the market, you could get confused on which to buy.

Choosing a handheld video game system shouldn?t be too hard if you know what to look for. Aside from the great graphics technology that people try to find in video games, you should also look for a handheld video game system that has a wide variety of games available.

With this feature, you will surely enjoy hours and hours of gaming entertainment wherever you are. Of course, you may need to purchase an extra battery pack to avoid getting your game interrupted when it goes on low power.

So, if you plan on traveling and in need of entertainment, you should consider purchasing a handheld video game system to keep you entertained. You can also share this with your friends who are traveling with you. With these, you can enjoy countless of hours of enjoyment and entertainment. Never get bored again while traveling with a handheld video game system. Just make sure to charge it.

Thanks for reading this article. You have to link to this page if you want to take this article any reason. I hope you liked what I wrote on "Handheld Video Game Systems: Taking Entertainment Wherever You Go". I would be pleased to know what you think regarding it, negative or positive. Please leave a comment below and show me you are alive.

Article Source with Title: Handheld Video Game Systems: Taking Entertainment Wherever You Go
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Use of online e-commerce shopping cart development | Mama ...

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overcome now on, there is e-commerce are the most popular choice for business web design. Most companies prefer to develop their online ecommerce store. This article will help in developing e-commerce shopping cart online. Some points covered:

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

lookin for birds | Southold | eBay Classifieds (Kijiji) | 13847143



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  • Details forlookin for birds
  • Address:Southold, NY 11971 (map)
  • Date Posted:09/18/11
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i am a bird enthusiast that is looking to take any unwanted birds or any birds in a need of a new home. you can call me at 631-604-0107.
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    Is Romney Beholden to the Mormon Prophet? (ContributorNetwork)

    COMMENTARY | Let's face it, America. Most of us are only concerned with GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's religion because our preachers told us he's not Christian. Despite belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Romney supposedly doesn't worship the "right" Jesus, sort of like John F. Kennedy -- America's first Catholic president.

    But when your church has you sing hymns like "We Thank Thee, O God, For A Prophet" -- with choice lyrics like "We feel it a pleasure to serve thee, and love to obey thy command" -- it behooves one to ask: If the Mormon prophet, Thomas Monson, says "Jump," will President Romney answer "How high?"

    Follow the prophet

    In the songwriter's defense, that particular line is sung not to the prophet but to the God who gave Mormons a prophet, "to guide us in these latter days." Slightly less subtle is the song Mormon kids sing in Sunday School, called "Follow the Prophet":

    "Follow the prophet,

    Follow the prophet,

    Follow the prophet,

    Don't go astray

    Follow the prophet,

    Follow the prophet,

    Follow the prophet,

    He knows the way!"

    According to, the church's official website, its prophets are "inspired men called to speak for the Lord, as did Moses". "We can always trust the living prophets," it goes on to say, because "Their teachings reflect the will of the Lord". And in the Doctrine and Covenants, one of the sacred LDS books of scripture, God says that "his [the prophet's] word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth."

    That's the theory, anyway

    So how about in practice? Do Mormons live up to what their church continues to teach today?

    Indeed, they do. The Fourteen Fundamentals of Following the Prophet -- given by the late Mormon prophet Ezra Benson and reiterated in a churchwide talk in 2010 -- include No. 5, "The prophet is not required to have any particular earthly training or credentials," and No. 10, "The prophet may be involved in civic matters." And that's exactly what the Mormon church did in California in 2008, when it became illegally involved in the Proposition 8 battle against marriage equality.

    Not only did the church donate money illegally, it gave extensive material support to campaigners. It also coerced its members spiritually by making support of the initiative -- both donations and on-the-ground campaigning -- a test of their obedience to church leaders. The Mormon church members responded, contributing more than half of the Yes on 8 campaign's reported $45 million war chest.

    What about political leaders?

    Mitt's father, George Romney, received this letter from Mormon apostle Delbert Stapley in 1954, condemning him for supporting the civil rights movement and citing the need for obedience to Mormon church leaders. Leaders who, at the time, preached strongly against racial integration. George Romney was governor of Michigan when he received that letter.

    George Romney continued to support civil rights, even after being warned of the "very tragic end by drowning" met by another man who went against the Lord's prophets. Whether or not today's Romney has such integrity seems doubtful, given his shameless flip-flopping and posturing.


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    Monday, September 19, 2011

    Strong quake hits India, Nepal; 16 dead (AP)

    GAUHATI, India ? A strong earthquake shook northeastern India and Nepal, killing at least 16 people, damaging buildings and sending lawmakers in Nepal's capital running into the streets.

    The quake, with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9, struck at 6:10 p.m. Sunday local time. The epicenter was in India's Sikkam state near the border with Nepal, and shaking was felt across northern and eastern India, including in the capital of New Delhi. It triggered at least two aftershocks of magnitude 6.1 and 5.3, Indian seismology official R.S. Dattatreyan said. He warned more aftershocks were possible.

    At least five people in India's Sikkim state were killed and more than 50 were injured, according to the state's top official, Chief Secretary Karma Gyatso. The north Indian state of West Bengal reported four deaths, and Bihar state reported two. Nepal's government said five people died and dozens were hurt there, including two men and a child who were killed when a brick wall toppled outside the British Embassy in Nepal's capital, Katmandu.

    The full extent of damage was not immediately known because the region is sparsely populated with many people living in remote areas now cut off by mudslides triggered by the quake, state police Chief Jasbir Singh told The Associated Press.

    TV stations reported buildings buckled, sidewalks cracked and two major roads collapsed in Sikkim's state capital of Gangtok, 42 miles (68 kilometers) southeast of the quake's epicenter near the border with Nepal. The Indo-Tibetan Border Police said two of its buildings had collapsed in Gangtok.

    Small army columns fanned out across the city of some 50,000 overnight to search for anyone pinned under fallen debris.

    "We have sounded a high alert. Police are on the streets in Gangtok and other major towns," he said.

    Electricity and some phone service was interrupted in the area.

    Power lines snapped in the West Bengal cities of Darjeeling and Kalimpong, which "are now in total darkness," state Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said, according to Press Trust of India.

    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh offered to send troops to help, and summoned the National Disaster Management Authority for an emergency meeting. The air force sent five planes to help with rescue efforts.

    The region has been hit by major earthquakes in the past, including in 1950 and 1897.

    In neighboring Nepal and Bangladesh, the quake Sunday night sent residents rushing out of their homes, offices and shopping centers.

    In Katmandu, members of parliament who were debating the national budget ran out of the assembly hall into a parking area. They returned 15 minutes later and resumed their session.

    The quake was also felt as far as the Indian capital, with New Delhi residents also rushing out of shaking buildings, and in the Chinese-ruled Himalayan region of Tibet. According to China's official Xinhua News Agency, the quake caused three houses in Tibet to collapse, injured one person and suspended a border county's telecommunications services.


    Associated Press writers Binaj Gurubacharya in Katmandu, Nepal; Julhas Alam in Dhaka, Bangladesh; and Gillian Wong in Beijing contributed to this report.


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    Sunday, September 18, 2011

    FSBO Services Network, Tanya Jackson Have Teamed Up To Help ...


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    FSBO Services Network, Tanya Jackson Have Teamed Up To Help ?FSBO?s? in the Detroit area.

    WINTER PARK, FL (PRWEB) August 1, 2005

    Dennis K. Thomas, President of FSBO Services Network, LLC announced today that Talking FSBO Properties and FSBO Services Network have teamed up with Mortgage Loan Officer, Tanya Jackson (Detroit) to offer the many services of FSBO Services Network to local ?For Sale By Owners?. Ms. Jackson will be helping FSBO?s sell their house for the most amount of money, in the least amount of time.

    Thomas stated, ?We are very pleased to have such a quality person as Ms. Jackson working with FSBO Services Network in the Detroit market. Being a Mortgage Loan Officer is a real advantage to the ?For Sale By Owner? in finding a qualified buyer for their home. Detroit has one of highest number of FSBO?s in the nation.?

    Ms. Jackson can be reached at 313.835.7005 or you can visit her website at She welcomes your calls and emails and is always ready to help.

    Talking FSBO Properties & FSBO Services Network are not real estate companies but the greatest marketing tool ever for ?For Sale By Owners? all across America.

    Thomas stated, ?The World of Real Estate Has Changed. Buyers expect information when they want it and they want it instantly. This is why Talking FSBO Properties is a must in today?s world.?

    The Direct Marketing Association did a Gallop Poll and found that 83% of the American public would prefer to call for recorded information on properties for sale before talking to an agent or owner. That means 4 out of 5 people would prefer Talking FSBO Properties Hassle Free Pre-Recorded Information, 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week!

    No More Chasing Owners or Agents For Property Information! ?Talking FSBO Properties is great news for everyone involved. Experience shows that when buyers don?t have to dodge an owner or sales agent, many more of them will call for information. For the For Sale By Owner, that?s really good news for them because their property receives exposure to many more prospective buyers who love Talking FSBO Properties, Hassle Free Pre-Recorded Property Information, 24 Hours A Day, 7 Days A Week,? stated Thomas.

    You can find out more about this unique and innovative marketing tool for the ?For Sale By Owner? at

    About Talking FSBO Properties

    Talking FSBO Properties is not a licensed real estate firm but is a marketing tool for real estate professionals, mortgage professionals, title companies, and homeowners alike to use the automated information hotline to attract buyers to a specific property. Talking FSBO Properties provides property information to interested prospects by phone, automatically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Potential buyers call the toll-free number on the Talking FSBO Properties sign and then enter the assigned extension for information on that property. They then get complete details of the property instantly on the spot including special features, financing options, etc. No more counting on others to take accurate messages, getting interrupted during meals, showers, etc. or hoping hot prospects will call back if someone is not available to give property information at that time, when the prospect wants it the most.

    Thomas stated, ?An interesting fact about Talking FSBO Properties is that people are up to 3 times more likely to call a toll-free number than a regular number. Also, the ?For Sale By Owner? market has been estimated to be at least 20% of the real estate market today with current forecasts calling for it to become 40% of the U.S. market in the next five years.

    By far the FSBO will command the largest share of homes for sale in every local market in the United States.? Thomas further stated that, ?Talking FSBO Properties is also a great lead generation tool for the 1,500,000 plus license real estate agents and over 400,000 Mortgage Loan Professionals all across America.?

    Thomas added, ?Buyer prospects are more willing to call an information hotline, because they know they can get information without having to speak with anyone. A fax can also be requested and sent instantly so that the prospects can both ?hear? and ?see? what the property has to offer, no more worrying about an empty information box in front of the property.

    One of the biggest reasons people hesitate to call on signs and ads is because they don??t want to be subject to a sales pitch. So in addition to all of the other benefits, properties are going to get a higher volume of calls with Talking FSBO Properties.?

    Talking FSBO Properties is an excellent tool to acquire leads for Mortgage Professionals, as well as providing a great service for the For Sale By Owner. More information can be found on the Company?s website at

    About FSBO Services Network:

    FSBO Services Network, LLC is not a licensed real estate firm but is the most effective marketing tool available for real estate professionals, mortgage professionals and home sellers. FSBO Services Network has the nations largest network of websites exclusively for the ?For Sale By Owner?. This is vital information that FSBO??s must have in order to sell their home, for the most amount of money, in the least amount of time. Some of FSBO Services Network 40+ websites include:,,,http://www.FreeFsboServices,,,,,,,, and

    FSBO Services Network, LLC is in the process of locating qualified Real Estate & Mortgage Professionals throughout the United States. Only 1 professional real estate or mortgage person will be the exclusive professional in any one market. Being a member of FSBO Services Network, LLC is an excellent tool to acquire both buyer and seller leads for these professionals, as well as a great service for their clients.

    With the Special Trial Offer that is currently being offered for a limited time, FSBO Services Network, LLC is a real marketing bargain for these professionals. The Company licenses its products and services through in-house sales representatives. For sales and licensing opportunities please contact Dennis K. Thomas, President of FSBO Services Network, LLC by email: e-mail protected from spam bots. Further membership information can be seen online at

    Contact for further information:

    FSBO Services Network, LLC

    Dennis K. Thomas, President

    Vocus?Copyright 1997-, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
    Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.


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    Appealing Property Taxes For Your Home ... - About Financial Matters

    Property taxes are a substantial expense for Texas homeowners, averaging about $3,600 annually. To reduce this expense, property owners should annually review and consider appealing property taxes. While there is no guarantee that an appeal will be successful, a recent survey conducted by O?Connor & Associates indicates that 70% of property tax appeals are successful.

    Since the mortgage company typically disperses payments, property taxes tend to be a stealth tax. Although the homeowner writes a check, including taxes and insurance monthly, the property tax component is not evident. The property tax component can become quite evident when the homeowner is asked to fund a deficit in the escrow account.

    Although 70% of property tax appeals are successful, only 7% of homeowners appeal each year. Research indicates five primary reasons homeowners do not appeal:

    1. The process seems overwhelming and they do not know how to appeal,

    2. They do not think an appeal is likely to be successful,
    3. They think their home?s assessed value is below market value and there is no basis for appealing,

    4. They do not understand they can appeal on unequal appraisal,
    5. They are busy and do not want to set aside time, given the presumption that ?you can?t fight city hall?.
    Why appeal?

    Consider an appeal for a $150,000 house where the property taxes are reduced by 5%. This would reduce the assessed value by $7,500 and the property taxes by $225, based on a 3% tax rate. Since the typical appeal hearing takes less than an hour, these are meaningful savings for the time involved. Regularly appealing your property taxes will minimize the value, so you are assessed for less than most of your neighbors. Most of the property tax appeals are resolved at the informal hearing, which is the first step in the process.

    How to appeal

    The first step to appealing annually is to send a written notice to the appraisal review board (ARB) for the county in which your home is located. Even if you have not received a notice of assessed value from the appraisal district, file a notice of appeal by May 31st for the following reasons:

    1. The notice of assessed value can get lost in the mail,

    2. A notice of assessed value is not necessary unless your assessed value increases by $1,000, and
    3. You should appeal annually

    You can file a notice of appeal by utilizing the Comptroller?s form available at or by sending a letter to the ARB. The letter to the ARB simply needs to identify the property being appealed and the basis for your appeal. You should always appeal on both market value and unequal appraisal. Since the appraisal district staff is extremely busy during late May and early June, sending any data on the value of your property tax is probably a waste of time. At the same time you send your notice of appeal to the ARB, send a ?House Bill 201? request to the chief appraiser at the appraisal district. The House Bill 201 request will provide you a volume of information at a modest price.

    Reasons for obtaining House Bill 201 information

    Since most homeowners are not familiar with House Bill 201, you may be wondering what it is and when it became available. House Bill 201 is the term used by property tax consultants to describe provision 41.461 of the Texas Property Tax Code. This section reads as follows:
    ?at least 14 days before hearing on a protest, the chief appraiser shall: ? inform the property owner that the owner or the agent of the owner may inspect and may obtain a copy of the data, schedules, formulas, and all other information the chief appraiser plans to introduce at the hearing to establish any matter at issue.?

    The property tax code further provides the chief appraiser the right to charge up to $15 for each residence, and up to $25 for each commercial property owner for this information. However, there are limits on the cost per page an appraisal district can charge. Practically speaking, the maximum charge is $1 to $2 for a residence. In Harris County, most homeowners can print this information from the appraisal district?s web site once an appeal has been filed using the ?I file? system.

    This section of the tax code was added in 1991, but many appraisal districts have attempted to ignore this section of the property tax code for years and some still do. After discussing this section of the Texas Property Tax Code on a radio show in 2005, several listeners called back a week or two later to report certain appraisal districts were claiming to be unaware of this section. When O?Connor & Associates sent House Bill 201 requests to appraisal districts in 2005, some called us and said ?what do you mean you want our information, we plan to use your information at the hearing to prove our value.? While these examples seem quaint and cute, it is surprising that 15 years after taxpayer friendly legislation has been passed, that appraisal districts are still ignoring property owners and tax consultants who ask for this information.

    There are at least seven reasons to utilize House Bill 201 to obtain the information the appraisal district will use at the hearing:

    1. It is an effective way to obtain information regarding both market value and unequal appraisal for your property tax appeal,

    2. You will receive the appraisal district?s information regarding the size, condition and other qualitative and quantitative data for your house,

    3. The information can be obtained for a nominal cost,
    4. It is helpful to know what information your adversary will be able to use at the hearing,
    5. Making the request limits what information the appraisal district can present at the hearing. If you do not request their information prior to the hearing, they can use any information available to them at the hearing. However, if you request the appraisal district information using a House Bill 201 request, they may only use information previously provided to you,

    6. If they do not provide you information on market value or unequal appraisal in the House Bill 201 request, you win by default at the ARB hearing, and
    7. In many cases, the appraisal district House Bill 201 information clearly supports a lower value.
    Preparing for the hearing

    When you receive the appraisal district House Bill 201 information, start by reviewing the appraisal district?s description of your home and ask yourself these questions:

    1. Is the year built accurate?
    2. Are the qualities and amenities accurate?

    If the appraisal district overstates either the quantity or quality of improvements to your property, this is an excellent means to reduce your property taxes both for the current year and subsequent years.

    Filing a 2525c Appeal

    If the appraisal district has overstated the size of your house by more than 5% to 10%, even if you did not file a property tax appeal in prior years, you should consider filing a 2525c appeal. This will allow you to reduce the assessed value of your property for the current year and for prior years.

    Patrick O?Connor, a designated member of the Appraisal Institute, is president of O?Connor & Associates. The firm, in business since 1974, specializes in real estate appraisals, research, and state and federal tax reduction services nationwide. With offices in Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles and Newport Beach, the firm employs more than 130 people. Patrick O?Connor is frequently acknowledged by national publications as a respected source of information on real estate. Visit

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