Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Egypt army chief warns state could collapse

PORT SAID, Egypt (AP) ? Thousands of mourners chanting for the downfall of Egypt's president marched in funerals again Tuesday in the restive city of Port Said as the army chief warned the state could collapse if the latest political crisis drags on.

Troops in Port Said and Suez, two riot-torn cities along the strategic Suez Canal, stood by and watched Monday night as thousands took to the streets in direct defiance of a night curfew and a state of emergency declared by President Mohammed Morsi a day earlier. Residents of the two cities and Ismailiya, a third city also under the emergency, marched just as the curfew came into force at 9 p.m.

The display of contempt for Morsi's decision was tantamount to an outright rebellion that many worried could spread to other parts of the country. Already, protesters across much of Egypt are battling police, cutting off roads and railway lines, and besieging government offices and police stations as part of a growing revolt against Morsi and his Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood group.

At least 60 people have been killed since Friday.

"As long as the president's hands are stained in blood, he must leave," said Port Said lawyer Mohammed el-Assfouri as he stood outside the city's Mariam mosque where mourners prayed for the dead.

Morsi's opponents accuse Islamists of monopolizing power and failing to live up to the ideals of the pro-democracy uprising that ousted authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak two years ago.

In Cairo, intense fighting for days around central Tahrir Square engulfed two landmark hotels and forced the U.S. Embassy to suspend public services on Tuesday. The lobby of the five-star Semiramis along the Nile was trashed after clashes on the street outside spilled into the hotel early Tuesday morning, when armed, masked men attempted to rob it.

In Port Said, where most of the deadly violence has been centered, tanks were fanned out on the streets of the city of some 600,000 located 140 miles northeast of Cairo on the Mediterranean coast and at the tip of the Suez Canal. New funerals were held for six more of those killed in clashes, with thousands marching and chanting against Morsi. Similar scenes have replayed over the past few days.

"Erhal! Erhal!" or "Leave, leave!" they screamed, reviving the iconic chant of the 2011 uprising.

The chant is now turned against Morsi. A sign carried by one mourner said: "The independent state of Port Said." Another had the image of a young and slim man in dark sunglasses posing next to a red car. Relatives said he was shot dead while walking home on Saturday.

"The continuation of the conflict between the different political forces and their differences over how the country should be run could lead to the collapse of the state and threaten future generations," said army chief Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, who is both head of the military and defense minister.

At the same time he defended the right of Egyptians to protest, while acknowledging the difficult challenges facing his troops in Port Said and Suez.

"The deployment of the armed forces poses a grave predicament for us insofar as how we balance avoiding confrontations with Egyptian citizens, their right to protest and the protection and security of vital facilities that impact Egypt's national security," he said.

He also spoke of a "realistic threat" facing the nation as a result of what he called the political, economic and social challenges.

The warning was the military's first public comment since the latest crisis erupted last week around the second anniversary of the uprising on Friday. El-Sissi was speaking to military academy cadets and the comments were posted on the armed forces' official Facebook page.

He also warned of what he described as attempts to influence the "stability" of state institutions.

"It is a grave matter that hurts national security and the nation's future."

He did not elaborate, but critics of Morsi complain he has been trying to bring state institutions under Brotherhood control to tighten the Islamists' grip on power.

The military and Islamists led by the Brotherhood struggled over power in the transition following Mubarak's rule. The Brotherhood dominated every election since the uprising, winning control of parliament, the presidency and pushing through a constitution that could pave the way for imposing more strict Islamic law in Egypt.

The army had long defended the secular nature of Egypt before the Brotherhood came to power and is seen as wary of letting Islamists have too much power.

Morsi has ordered the army to restore order in Port Said and Suez. On Sunday, he slapped a 30-day state of emergency and night curfew on the two cities as well as Ismailiya. The army has not deployed in Ismailiya, however, which has seen little of the deadly violence flaring in the other two cities.

The military, Egypt's most powerful institution, was the de facto ruler since army officers seized power in 1952 and toppled the monarchy. Generals forced Mubarak from power at the end of the uprising and then a ruling military council took over from him.

The military's nearly 17 months in power tainted its reputation, with critics charging the ruling generals of mismanaging the transition to democratic rule, human rights violations and hauling thousands of civilians before military tribunals.

Morsi became the first freely elected president in June and was immediately plunged into a power struggle with the military when it tried to curtail his powers. In August, he ordered the retirement of the army's top two generals, regained powers they had taken away from him and handpicked el-Sissi as defense minister and army chief.

The timing of el-Sissi's warning is particularly significant because it came at a time of growing opposition to Morsi and when he appeared to be failing to stem the latest bout of political violence, sinking the country deeper into chaos and lawlessness.

Some of the demonstrators in Port Said on Monday night waved white-and-green flags they said were the colors of a new and independent state. Such secession would be unthinkable, but the move underlined the depth of frustration in the city.

Since coming to office, Morsi has failed to tackle the country's massive problems, which range from an economy in free fall to surging crime, chaos on the streets and lack of political consensus. His woes deepened when the main opposition coalition turned down his offer for a dialogue to resolve the crisis, insisting he meets their conditions first.

The wave of unrest has touched cities across much of Egypt since Thursday, including Cairo, the three Suez Canal cities, Alexandria on the Mediterranean in the north and a string of cities in the Nile Delta.

The violence accelerated Friday, the second anniversary of the uprising, with protests to mark the event turning to clashes that left 11 dead, most of them in Suez.

The next day, riots exploded in Port Said after a court convicted and sentenced to death 21 defendants ? mostly locals ? for a mass soccer riot in the city's main stadium a year ago. Rioters attacked police stations, clashed with security forces in the streets and shots and tear gas were fired at protester funerals in mayhem that left 44 people dead over the weekend.

The violence in Port Said was fueled in part by the anger and sense of betrayal that have been simmering in the city following last year's riot, the worst ever in Egyptian soccer.

Protesters and activists, meanwhile, are accusing the police of excessive use of force in dealing with demonstrators. Morsi, in their view, endorsed their tactics when he commended them in a short, televised speech on Sunday night when he declared the state of emergency and curfew.

The U.N.'s High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, took note of the high death toll in the latest unrest.

She urged Morsi's government "to take urgent measures to ensure that law enforcement personnel never again use disproportionate or excessive force against protesters" because it is both illegal and likely to make the situation more explosive. Pillay called for immediate investigations into the wave of violence and a review of police tactics used to clamp down on demonstrations.

The police, hated for their brutality in the Mubarak years, have been calling for better and more sophisticated weapons to defend themselves when their facilities come under attack, which happened in Port Said as well as Suez.

In Cairo on Tuesday, the area around central Tahrir Square was relatively quiet, with only intermittent clashes between police and rock-throwing protesters. On Monday, protesters and police battled each other in area all day and into the night in scenes reminiscent of the early days of the 2011 uprising.

Early Tuesday morning, police foiled an attempted robbery by 12 masked gunmen at the Semiramis Intercontinental. The luxury hotel is one of the two caught up in clashes around Tahrir Square.

Security officials say the attackers looted shops in small hotel mall and smashed glass. They suspect the culprits are criminals who used the rioting outside on the street as cover. AP television footage shows protesters trying to arrest some of the thieves. By Tuesday, the shattered glass facade of the lobby was boarded up and only a few guests remained.

The nearby U.S. Embassy said on its website that it was closing public services on Tuesday because of the security situation.


Hendawi reported from Cairo. AP reporter Amir Makar contributed to this report.


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SAG Awards 2013: Who took the top prizes

The SAG Awards 2013 featured 'Argo' winning the best ensemble cast prize and Daniel Day-Lewis continuing on his seemingly sure path to the Oscar stage.

By Christy Lemire,?Associated Press / January 28, 2013

SAG Awards winners for 2013 Daniel Day-Lewis (l.) and Ben Affleck (r.) greet each other backstage.

Matt Sayles/Invision/AP


A few weeks ago, the Oscar race looked wide open. The stately, historical "Lincoln" seemed like the safe and likely choice, with the provocative "Zero Dark Thirty" and the quirky and inspiring "Silver Linings Playbook" very much in the mix for the Academy Award for best picture.

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But now, an "Argo" juggernaut ? an "Argo"-naut, if you will ? seems to be rolling along and gathering momentum as we head toward Hollywood's top prize.

The international thriller from director Ben Affleck, who also stars as a CIA operative orchestrating a daring rescue during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, received the top honor of best ensemble cast in a movie at Sunday night's Screen Actors Guild Awards, their equivalent of the best-picture Oscar. It's a decent indicator of eventual Academy Awards success, with the two matching up about half the time.

The film, which also stars John Goodman and Alan Arkin as Hollywood veterans who help stage a fake movie as a cover, has received nearly unanimous critical raves and has proven to be a box-office favorite, as well, grossing nearly $190 million worldwide.

But "Argo" also won the Producers Guild of America Award on Saturday night, which is an excellent Oscar predictor, and it earned best picture and director statues from the Golden Globes two weeks earlier. The Directors Guild of America Awards next Saturday will help crystallize the situation even further.

The one tricky thing at work here: Affleck surprisingly didn't receive an Academy Award nomination in the director category, which most often goes hand in hand with best picture. (There are nine best-picture nominees but only five slots for directors.) Only once in modern times has a film won best picture without a directing nomination: 1989's "Driving Miss Daisy." The other two times came in the show's early years, at the first Oscars in 1929 with "Wings" and for 1932's "Grand Hotel."

Asked backstage at the SAG?Awards what might happen when the Oscar winners are announced Feb. 24, Affleck said: "I don't do handicapping or try to divine what's going to happen down the road with movies.

"I didn't get nominated as a director and I thought, 'OK, that's that.' Then I remembered that I was nominated as a producer," said Affleck, who already has an original screenplay Oscar for writing 1997's "Good Will Hunting" with longtime friend Matt Damon. "Nothing may happen but it's a wonderful opportunity to be on the ride and I'm really honored."


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Eating bright-colored fruits and vegetables may prevent or delay ALS

Eating bright-colored fruits and vegetables may prevent or delay ALS [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jan-2013
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Contact: Dawn Peters

New research suggests that increased consumption of foods containing colorful carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene and lutein, may prevent or delay the onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The study, published by Wiley in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society, found that diets high in lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and vitamin C did not reduce ALS risk.

Carotenoids give fruits and vegetables their bright orange, red, or yellow colors, and are a source of dietary vitamin A. Prior studies report that oxidative stress plays a role in the development of ALS. Further studies have shown that individuals with high intake of antioxidants, such as vitamin E, have a reduced ALS risk. Because vitamin C or carotenoids are also antioxidants, researchers examined their relation to ALS risk.

According to the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) roughly 20,000 to 30,000 Americans have ALSalso known as Lou Gehrig's diseaseand another 5,000 patients are diagnosed annually with the disease. ALS is a progressive neurological disease that attacks nerve cells (neurons) in the brain and spinal cord, which control voluntary muscles. As the upper and lower motor neurons degenerate, the muscles they control gradually weaken and waste away, leading to paralysis.

"ALS is a devastating degenerative disease that generally develops between the ages of 40 and 70, and affects more men than women," said senior author Dr. Alberto Ascherio, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Mass. "Understanding the impact of food consumption on ALS development is important. Our study is one of the largest to date to examine the role of dietary antioxidants in preventing ALS."

Using data from five prospective groups: the National Institutes of Health (NIH)AARP Diet and Health Study, the Cancer Prevention Study II-Nutrition Cohort, the Multiethnic Cohort, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, and the Nurses' Health Study, researchers investigated more than one million participants for the present study. A total of 1093 ALS cases were identified after excluding subjects with unlikely food consumption.

The team found that a greater total carotenoid intake was linked to reduced risk of ALS. Individuals who consumed more carotenoids in their diets were more likely to exercise, have an advanced degree, have higher vitamin C consumption, and take vitamin C and E supplements. Furthermore, subjects with diets high in beta-carotene and luteinfound in dark green vegetableshad a lower risk ALS risk. Researchers did not find that lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and vitamin C reduced the risk of ALS. Long-term vitamin C supplement intake was also not associated with lower ALS risk.

Dr. Ascherio concludes, "Our findings suggest that consuming carotenoid-rich foods may help prevent or delay the onset of ALS. Further food-based analyses are needed to examine the impact of dietary nutrients on ALS."


This study is published in Annals of Neurology. Media wishing to receive a PDF of this article may contact

Full citation: "Intakes of Vitamin C and Carotenoids and Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis." Kathryn C Fitzgerald, Eilis J O'Reilly, Elinor Fondell, Guido J Falcone, Marjorie L McCullough, Yikyung Park, Laurence N Kolonel and Alberto Ascherio. Annals of Neurology; Published Online: January 29, 2013 (DOI:10.1002/ana.23820).

Author Contact: To arrange an interview with Dr. Ascherio, please contact Todd Datz with the Harvard School of Public Health at

About the Journal

Annals of Neurology, the official journal of the American Neurological Association and the Child Neurology Society, publishes articles of broad interest with potential for high impact in understanding the mechanisms and treatment of diseases of the human nervous system. All areas of clinical and basic neuroscience, including new technologies, cellular and molecular neurobiology, population sciences, and studies of behavior, addiction, and psychiatric diseases are of interest to the journal. The journal is published by Wiley on behalf of the American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society. For more information, please visit

About Wiley

Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Wiley and its acquired companies have published the works of more than 450 Nobel laureates in all categories: Literature, Economics, Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Peace.

Wiley is a global provider of content and content-enabled workflow solutions in areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research; professional development; and education. Our core businesses produce scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, reference works, books, database services, and advertising; professional books, subscription products, certification and training services and online applications; and education content and services including integrated online teaching and learning resources for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong learners. Wiley's global headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, with operations in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Canada, and Australia. The Company's Web site can be accessed at The Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols JWa and JWb.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Eating bright-colored fruits and vegetables may prevent or delay ALS [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Jan-2013
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Dawn Peters

New research suggests that increased consumption of foods containing colorful carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene and lutein, may prevent or delay the onset of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The study, published by Wiley in Annals of Neurology, a journal of the American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society, found that diets high in lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and vitamin C did not reduce ALS risk.

Carotenoids give fruits and vegetables their bright orange, red, or yellow colors, and are a source of dietary vitamin A. Prior studies report that oxidative stress plays a role in the development of ALS. Further studies have shown that individuals with high intake of antioxidants, such as vitamin E, have a reduced ALS risk. Because vitamin C or carotenoids are also antioxidants, researchers examined their relation to ALS risk.

According to the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) roughly 20,000 to 30,000 Americans have ALSalso known as Lou Gehrig's diseaseand another 5,000 patients are diagnosed annually with the disease. ALS is a progressive neurological disease that attacks nerve cells (neurons) in the brain and spinal cord, which control voluntary muscles. As the upper and lower motor neurons degenerate, the muscles they control gradually weaken and waste away, leading to paralysis.

"ALS is a devastating degenerative disease that generally develops between the ages of 40 and 70, and affects more men than women," said senior author Dr. Alberto Ascherio, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Mass. "Understanding the impact of food consumption on ALS development is important. Our study is one of the largest to date to examine the role of dietary antioxidants in preventing ALS."

Using data from five prospective groups: the National Institutes of Health (NIH)AARP Diet and Health Study, the Cancer Prevention Study II-Nutrition Cohort, the Multiethnic Cohort, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, and the Nurses' Health Study, researchers investigated more than one million participants for the present study. A total of 1093 ALS cases were identified after excluding subjects with unlikely food consumption.

The team found that a greater total carotenoid intake was linked to reduced risk of ALS. Individuals who consumed more carotenoids in their diets were more likely to exercise, have an advanced degree, have higher vitamin C consumption, and take vitamin C and E supplements. Furthermore, subjects with diets high in beta-carotene and luteinfound in dark green vegetableshad a lower risk ALS risk. Researchers did not find that lycopene, beta-cryptoxanthin, and vitamin C reduced the risk of ALS. Long-term vitamin C supplement intake was also not associated with lower ALS risk.

Dr. Ascherio concludes, "Our findings suggest that consuming carotenoid-rich foods may help prevent or delay the onset of ALS. Further food-based analyses are needed to examine the impact of dietary nutrients on ALS."


This study is published in Annals of Neurology. Media wishing to receive a PDF of this article may contact

Full citation: "Intakes of Vitamin C and Carotenoids and Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis." Kathryn C Fitzgerald, Eilis J O'Reilly, Elinor Fondell, Guido J Falcone, Marjorie L McCullough, Yikyung Park, Laurence N Kolonel and Alberto Ascherio. Annals of Neurology; Published Online: January 29, 2013 (DOI:10.1002/ana.23820).

Author Contact: To arrange an interview with Dr. Ascherio, please contact Todd Datz with the Harvard School of Public Health at

About the Journal

Annals of Neurology, the official journal of the American Neurological Association and the Child Neurology Society, publishes articles of broad interest with potential for high impact in understanding the mechanisms and treatment of diseases of the human nervous system. All areas of clinical and basic neuroscience, including new technologies, cellular and molecular neurobiology, population sciences, and studies of behavior, addiction, and psychiatric diseases are of interest to the journal. The journal is published by Wiley on behalf of the American Neurological Association and Child Neurology Society. For more information, please visit

About Wiley

Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Wiley and its acquired companies have published the works of more than 450 Nobel laureates in all categories: Literature, Economics, Physiology or Medicine, Physics, Chemistry, and Peace.

Wiley is a global provider of content and content-enabled workflow solutions in areas of scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly research; professional development; and education. Our core businesses produce scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, reference works, books, database services, and advertising; professional books, subscription products, certification and training services and online applications; and education content and services including integrated online teaching and learning resources for undergraduate and graduate students and lifelong learners. Wiley's global headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, with operations in the U.S., Europe, Asia, Canada, and Australia. The Company's Web site can be accessed at The Company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols JWa and JWb.

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Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium review

Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium review

It feels like we've been talking about Office 2013 for a while now -- we first previewed the software back in July, and it's been available as a free beta download ever since. Today, though, it's launching in a more formal way: the final version of Office 2013 is now on sale, as is Office 365 Home Premium, which lets you purchase a subscription to Office 2013 and then install it on up to five computers.

Though you can still buy the software outright, Microsoft has gone out of its way to making subscribing seem like the more attractive option: buying a one-year subscription costs $100 a year and nets you five licenses, while the purchase cost is $139 for a single user. To sweeten the deal, Microsoft is giving Office 365 subscribers 60 Skype minutes per month, and expanding the standard SkyDrive limit from 7GB to 20GB. Naturally, too, subscribing to the service means you always get the latest software -- a particularly important point for Apple fans still waiting on a new version of Office for Mac. Either way, though, Office 2013 now has an app store, and you can poke around even if you're not a subscriber.

As it is, we've already given you an in-depth walk-through of all the major new features in Office, but we haven't yet gotten to experience it as a subscription, with all our settings following us from one PC to another. But we're still wondering: is it worth shelling out a hundred bones a year for a subscription?

Getting started

Though Office 2013 and Office 365 will both be available to purchase in stores, you won't actually find an installation CD in the box. Even if you buy it from a brick-and-mortar kind of place, you'll only really see a written product key when you tear open the packaging. So, regardless of whether you purchase in stores or online, you'll eventually need to head over to, enter your license number and then proceed to download the software.

As ever, the system requirements are fairly modest: so long as you have 3.5GB of free disk space and an x86 or x64 system clocked at 1GHz or higher, you'll be good to go. DirectX10 graphics are required, along with a minimum resolution of 1,024 x 576. Microsoft also recommends 1GB of RAM for 32-bit systems and 2GB for 64-bit machines.

In any case, once you enter your product key it's smooth sailing. Just sign in with your Microsoft account (you'll have a chance to create one if you're a new user) and verify your country and language. So far so good, right? From that home screen on, you can see how many of your five licenses you've used. You can view your payment method, expiration date, billing history and automatic renewal information, if applicable. And, of course, there's a big "install" button, which you'll need to click since you haven't actually downloaded the software yet.

DNP Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium review

While Office sets itself up for the first time, you can choose to page through a few introductory slides. All told, it's not unlike how Windows 8 loads a primer on new gestures while the OS readies itself for the first time. Naturally, once they're fully installed the various Office apps appear as Live Tiles on the Start Screen, not as desktop shortcuts.

Once you've installed Office, you can sign in to your Microsoft account (or not -- in which case it's just a local copy). You can also choose the border that will appear on new Word documents and other files. In all, there are 14 of these themes, though there's also a "no background option" for people who find doodles of circles and circuits offensive. Not that we're pressuring you or anything, but they're really very subtle: they only take up a small patch of space on the fringe of the screen, and don't actually call much attention to themselves.

Office 2013

DNP Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium review

As crazy as this might sound, we don't plan on dwelling too much on the actual Office suite, just because we already wrote thousands of words on the subject back when it was first released. For a full run-down of the new features (plus dozens of screenshots), we'll direct you back to our preview, first published six months ago. For those of you who lack the attention span, though, we'll humor you with a quick recap. Notable new features in the suite include PDF editing in Word, a full-screen Reading Mode (great for tablets) and a behind-the-scenes Presenter View in PowerPoint. Touch Mode is exactly what it sounds like, which is to say it makes all the UI elements a little bigger and more touch-friendly -- not that it magically makes Excel convenient to use without a keyboard, per se. Resume Reading remembers exactly where you were in a document the last time you opened it, which is useful if you've been charged with editing a 40-page patent infringement brief or something equally tedious.

Even when the software was still in development we found it to be fast and stable, while the features themselves were intuitive to use.
By default, the various Office apps now save to SkyDrive, and you can always send someone a link to your work so they can read it in a browser. Adding online video to Word and PowerPoint files is much easier than it had been, and it's now possible to reply to comments in Track Changes. Flash Fill in Excel can predict what information should go in blank cells if the data is repetitive and follows a pattern. Finally, Outlook gets a feature called Peeks, which lets you hover to view your calendar and such without leaving the inbox. Meanwhile, so-called Social Connectors are plug-ins from services like LinkedIn.

For the most part, the software is the same as when we last tested it. And that's a good thing: even when the software was still in development we found it to be fast and stable, while the features themselves were intuitive to use. The only point of controversy might be the carryover of the Ribbon UI, which debuted all the way back in Office 2007, and which some people still haven't warmed up to.

There are a few new features, however, many of them subtle fit-and-finish sort of things. The icon for switching to Touch Mode has changed, and when you tap it you now get a pop-up menu that briefly explains the difference between that and mouse mode (the gist being that in Touch Mode there's no Ribbon menu, and the various UI elements are spaced farther apart). There's also a rotating group of templates, which vary depending on region and also the time of year. For instance, you won't see any Valentine's Day-related options in August, and you also won't see any sample Fourth of July party invites if you live outside the US. It's a smart idea, making these things timely and region-specific. We're not sure how many people actually use templates to begin with, but if you do, knock yourself out.

PowerPoint, meanwhile, has gotten a new transitions category called "Exciting," which includes some new animations. As you might have guessed, they're flashy transitions, sequences with names like "Curtains," "Origami" and "Paper Airplane" (they all are exactly what they sound like). What can we say? They're playful and call lots of attention to themselves, which is to say they probably won't be especially welcome at a board meeting. But just like with the templates, we're glad they're there for people who require a few more resources to truly express themselves.

Office Store

DNP Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium review

Now that Microsoft has dragged Office kicking and screaming into the cloud-computing era, it's doing something else to bring the software up to date: it's giving the suite its very own app store. The Office Store lives on, and is accessible even to folks who don't have a subscription to Office 365 (meaning, it's fine if you just own Office 2013). So far, the store includes apps for Word, Excel, Outlook, Project and SharePoint (but not PowerPoint, strangely). If you like, you can sort apps by any of the above programs, which is how we prefer to go about it. Alternatively, though, you can browse through a page of features apps, too. Similar to the Windows Store, you can read user reviews and click through to see detailed system requirements. Installing an app is as easy as hitting an "Add" button, though you'll need to go through an extra step to make sure it appears in the Ribbon of whatever Office application uses the add-on.

What's interesting about browsing the store is that because no one really expected or asked for Office applications, it doesn't matter so much how many there are, or whether you've heard of any of them. (In other words, this isn't like demanding Instagram on Windows Phone 8 and accepting no substitutes.) In fact, there are some big names represented, including LinkedIn, which has a plug-in for Outlook, and Merriam-Webster, whose dictionary works across Word and Excel. We also found some other apps we could see ourselves using, like Bing News for Word and "Random Generator" for Excel.

Most of these are free, which creates a nice incentive for downloading a bunch and seeing what sticks. (As you can see, "nice and inoffensive" seems to be a running theme here, at least as far as the new features go.) A few of the apps do cost money, however, particularly some of the more sophisticated programs designed for enterprise users. If you're a developer reading this, Microsoft takes a 20 percent cut from application purchases, which matches the revenue split already in place for Windows applications.

DNP Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium review

To use the apps, just click the Insert in the Ribbon, followed by "Office Apps." Each one shows up as a pane along the right-hand side, which you can easily close by tapping an "X" button. You can open more than one app at once (as evidenced in the screenshot above) but be warned: for every app you open, you'll have less space to actually do your work. The apps in Word, for instance, line up side by side, causing the actual document to narrow. If you only open up one application, you'll still be able to type in Word without having to do any extra scrolling from side to side; that changes once you open a second app, though. All told, it's a minor inconvenience: just decide whether you need to be using Bing News at the moment, or if Merriam-Webster is more vital.

As for the apps themselves, they're exactly what they sound like, and that's a good thing. Bing News has a search bar into which you can type queries. Ditto for the dictionary app we tried, and LinguLab WordCloud. Web searches, definitions and everything else shows up in the same box where you performed the search so that you don't have to toggle over to IE 10 -- or any other program, for that matter. That alone makes these apps useful, though it helps that the information itself is clearly presented and comes from reliable sources.


DNP Microsoft Office 365 Home Premium review

What can we say? Office 2013 is a top-notch product: fast, intuitive and feature-rich. All of the new features work as promised, and are easy to get the hang of. At the same time, since the UI is similar to the previous version, it should be easy to master if you're upgrading from Office 2010. Now it's true, there are various free alternatives out there, including cloud-based ones like Google Docs. Still, we're wary of steering all our readers there, because we know lots of folks are already comfortable using Office, or have come to rely on some of the more advanced features you can't get elsewhere. Assuming you don't have any interest in switching to a more basic suite, then, the real question is: does it make more sense to buy Office once for $139 and make do with one license? Or is it wiser in the long run to pay $100 every year for a subscription in exchange for five licenses and ongoing software updates?

Obviously, the more computers you own, the more it makes sense to pay $100 a year for five licenses. For example, buying five individual copies would cost $695 up front, as opposed to $600 for six years of service. Basically, you'd be saving money until that seventh year rolls around, and that's a long enough stretch that you'd get upgraded to Office 2017 in the interim. That said, the subscription model isn't for everyone. Many of the perks -- Skype minutes, extra SkyDrive storage -- seem like weak reasons to go with Office 365 if you're on the fence. Meanwhile, the Office Store is useful but it's not like you need a subscription to enjoy it. With all that in mind, if you own just one machine it might make sense to shell out $139 for a single license and not have to pay $100 on an annual basis. In short, then, Office itself is a polished product, but your decision on whether to get 2013 or 365 should mainly come down to how many computers you own. Almost everything else is beside the point.

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Breast cancer is not a Facebook status game - Lisa Bonchek Adams

I don?t usually rant, but something has me steaming. Today the following exact message appeared in my Facebook inbox:

So here is the time of year again when we try to raise awareness for breast cancer through a game. It?s very easy and I would like all of you to participate. Two years ago we had to write the color of our underwear on our wall. Men wondered for days at what was going on with random colors on our walls. This year we make references to your love life status. Do not answer to this message just post the corresponding word on your wall AND send this message privately to all the girls in your contact list!!!!!! BLUEBERRY = single; PINEAPPLE = it?s complicated; RASPBERRY = I can?t / don?t want to commit; APPLE= engaged; CHERRY= in a relationship; BANANA=married; AVOCADO= I?m the better half; STRAWBERRY= can?t find Mr. Right; LEMON = want to be single RAISIN = want to get married to my partner. Last time the underwear game was mentioned on tv, let?s see if we get there with this one !!!!!Copy and paste this message into a new one and send to all your girly friends and update your status with your answer. DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS CONVO, just leave and participate.

I?m going to keep my reaction short. I?m hoping writing something down like this will allow people who are as infuriated as I am with these silly requests to have something to react with.

First, I give you permission to ignore this crap. Better yet, write back to the people who have shared it. Let?s do some real awareness here.

The above instructions are not awareness. This is offensive. Breast cancer is not a joke, awareness does not come from sharing the color of your underwear or your marital status (the whole ?tee-hee, wink-wink? attitude adds to my disgust). Even if it ended up on TV, that still would not be educating people about breast cancer they didn?t know before. All it does is show the world that lots of people are willing to post silly things as their status updates.

Let?s do a piece of education right here. The status update says ?only send this to your girly friends.? Um, hello? men get breast cancer too. Men are also the husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and some of the friends, coworkers, nurses, and doctors who care for and are left grieving for people (men and women) who die of breast cancer. We should not exclude them from ANY discussion of cancer.

Just because it says it?s about ?breast cancer awareness? doesn?t mean you have to agree. Go ahead. Ignore it. Or write back and tell them why you don?t want to be included in these things anymore. Another blogger, Susan Niebur, wrote about her take here. She was an astrophysicist, by the way. She died of metastatic breast cancer.

Anyone who has breast cancer and uses your FB status update as an indicator of whether you support their cause is not very enlightened. When I rank ?how to help those of us with cancer,? sharing one of these paragraphs as a status update is the lowest possible method of showing support. There are endless ways to do that. I think it actually is the opposite; sharing these status updates makes people feel they are doing something real for breast cancer causes when they aren?t.

I?ve also had it with the ?I?ll bet most of my friends won?t share this post? attempt to guilt me in to sharing something like ?share this if you think domestic abuse is awful.? ?Share this if you think autistic kids are special.? Well yes, actually, I believe both of those things. And just because I didn?t share them as my status update doesn?t mean I do NOT agree with the statements.

Education underlies awareness. To even call something a ?game? and honestly believe it?s doing anything to help any aspect of this disease is delusional.

I also think that those of us who have had breast cancer have an obligation to speak out if we disagree with these posts. People look to us to see how we react. If we not only read these updates but share them, it does constitute endorsement. It says we agree. It says it?s okay to think of breast cancer awareness this way.

I say: count me out of these Facebook games.

I have stage 4 breast cancer and it is no game to me.


Tagged awareness, breast cancer, facebook, status update


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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Japan Airlines to cancel Tokyo-San Diego flights after Dreamliner grounded

Published January 17, 2013


Japan Airlines Co Ltd will cancel eight flights from January 19 to 25 on its Tokyo to San Diego route after the grounding of all Boeing 787 flights, affecting 1,290 passengers, the airline said on Thursday.

JAL also said it will switch aircraft for 70 flights that were scheduled to fly on Dreamliners, as JAL and All Nippon Airways Co Ltd scramble to cope with the grounding of Dreamliner passenger jets for investigations of battery problems that led to an emergency landing of an ANA flight on Wednesday.

(Reporting by James Topham; Editing by Edmund Klamann)


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Republicans push alternative to default in debt-ceiling battle

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican lawmakers are preparing to introduce legislation to direct the U.S. Treasury to make interest payments on U.S. bonds first and then prioritize other government outlays in case Congress does not raise the debt ceiling.

Supporters of the idea see it as a politically palatable alternative to default, which could rattle markets as occurred in the summer of 2011. The likelihood of another market-unsettling event is challenging Republicans to find another idea as they use the debt ceiling as leverage to extract spending cuts from President Barack Obama.

But critics, including some Republicans, say prioritizing payments is largely unworkable and would not fool the markets.

The Treasury hit the $16.4 trillion debt ceiling, or the legal amount it is allowed to borrow, on New Year's Eve and started moving funds around so that the government can continue paying its bills. But the department said it will run out of funds as early as mid-February.

Among those advocating the approach is Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, who is expected to reintroduce legislation next week to instruct the Treasury to make sure bondholders got paid first if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling by the deadline.

In the House of Representatives, Arizona Republican David Schweikert introduced legislation that would force the Treasury to prioritize payments to bondholders, Social Security recipients and military salaries.

"No one is talking about default except for the president," said Patrick Tiberi, a Republican Representative from Ohio who heads a tax-writing subcommittee.

"He doesn't need to default because he has enough revenue, money coming in from the taxes that you guys pay to pay bills," Tiberi told reporters Tuesday.

"Ninety-nine percent of my constituents would say that sending out Social Security payments and keeping veteran hospitals open is a bigger priority than national parks," he said.

But former advisers to Republican President George W. Bush say the idea is unworkable for a number of reasons, including the fact that tax revenue does not come in at the same rate that payments are due.

"Prioritization is impossible," said Tony Fratto, who was Deputy Press Secretary for Bush and a spokesman on economic policy who fought through approximately seven debt limit increases with Congress.

"Is the government really going to be in the position of withholding benefits, salaries, rent, contract payments etc., in order to pay off Treasury bondholders? That would be a political catastrophe," Fratto said.


Keith Hennessey, Bush's National Economic Council director, said prioritization was a bad idea that could increase credit risk and said it would be irresponsible.

"Payment prioritization doesn't stop payments, it just delays them. Then the aggrieved party sues the government, and probably wins, and it turns into a bloody mess," Hennessey, now an economist at Stanford, said in a blog post this week.

Even when the government was operating under a budget surplus, as it did from 1998 through 2001 under President Bill Clinton, the Treasury still had to borrow or issue debt to make its regular payments because its income fluctuates month-to-month.

The department is expected to run out of ways to stave off a default as early as mid-February, and Republican lawmakers say they will refuse to give the Obama administration the votes needed to raise the debt cap unless Democrats agree to spending cuts and changes to federal benefits programs

On February 15, the government is expected to take in about $9 billion in revenues and is required to pay bills amounting to $52 billion, according to the think tank the Bipartisan Policy Center, which analyzed Treasury's cash flows.

The Treasury Department has said ensuring that bond investors got paid before others would be a "default by another name."

And in the past, Treasury officials have said the department lacks the formal legal authority to establish priorities to pay obligations, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

(Reporting By Rachelle Younglai and Kim Dixon. Editing by Fred Barbash and Philip Barbara)


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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

China's emerging cities keep smartphone makers buzzing

Many Chinese smartphone vendors are more concerned over the transition from feature phones to smartphones, given that this usually means reduced manufacturing capacity and profits, than the presence of big brand vendors such as Samsung and Apple in the domestic market.

This is because much of the smartphone growth can be found among mobile users in the tier-3 to tier-6 cities in the country, and these are areas foreign brands have little to no presence in, according to industry insiders.

Nicole Peng, research director for China at analyst firm Canalys, told ZDNet Asia that consumers in the lower tier cities in China can easily go online to find information regarding the handsets they are eyeing via e-commerce sites such as Taobao or 360Buy. They are then exposed to foreign brand devices and have a means to purchase these handsets should they choose to, she noted.

However, the 3G penetration rate in China just reached 30 percent in 2012, which indicates that the growth ceiling is still quite high. In fact, Peng expects a large number of phone users will buy their first smartphone device this year and next and many of these consumers will be from the lower tier cities.? ?

"Some of them will look for high-end devices, but the majority will still look for devices that are 'value-for-money'," she noted, adding that quad-core, 4-inch screen smartphones from domestic brands are generally priced between 1,700 yuan (US$270.90) and 2,500 yuan (US$398.38). In contrast, a Samsung smartphone could cost from a few hundred yuan to thousands of yuan more, according to the company's Web site.

She added there are even cheaper alternatives ranging from 300 yuan (US$47.81) to 400 yuan (US$63.74), but these tend to be of poor quality and user experience.

The analyst is confident as component costs continue to decline--it has "dropped drastically" in the past year--and the technical capabilities of Chinese smartphone makers improve, a low retail price will not equate to compromised quality in the near future.

"Devices from the domestic brands can satisfy the mass market consumer needs," Peng stated.

Standing local phonemakers such as K-Touch, Gionee and Oppo in good stead too is their established relationships with channel partners and third-party retailers, she pointed out. These vendors' long-term relationship with retail channel partners helps them to understand the tier-3 to tier-6 markets very well and allow them to rapidly produce devices that can serve different consumer segments, the analyst explained.

Emerging cities main growth driver
The transition from manufacturing feature phones to smartphones has proved more painful for these local phonemakers than the competition from foreign brands though.

According to Edison Ho, client director at Beijing Tianyu Communication Equipment, which produces the K-Touch brand of smartphones, the quantity of handsets produced by the company fell when they made the transition in 2009. It was churning out 20 million feature phones per year before the transition, and this fell to 1 million per month in 2012 or 12 million for the whole year, he said.

While smartphones are generally more profitable, the initial outlay for improved materials, machinery and better-skilled staff mean most companies making the transition will suffer a hit to their profit margins, he added.

Ho did say the company was confident of its future amid the increased competition from foreign brands and local giants such as Huawei and ZTE as well as upstarts Xiaomi. This was because its strength was in the tier-2 to tier-4 markets, and these were underserved by the bigger brands as they did not have the channel partners to meet these consumer segments, he explained, echoing Peng's point.

PC maker Lenovo, which unveiled a slew of smartphones last week at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2013, also highlighted the importance of its channel partnerships and ability to cater to the emerging lower tier cities in China as reasons why it will continue to grow its market presence locally.

JD Howard, vice president of business operations & worldwide business development at Lenovo's Mobile Internet and Digital Home (MIDH) business group, told ZDNet Asia during CES it will continue to cater to all market segments--from first-time bargain hunters to executives using the smartphone for work--as the Chinese smartphone market continues its "explosive growth" in 2013.

Its success will be determined by the company's better branding image and wider distribution networks, which are "second to none", added Christopher Millward, director of global communications at Lenovo's MIDH unit.

Looking ahead, Peng stated that as China's mobile industry undergoes a major transition in terms of channel and operator business models and consumer behavior, only vendors that can adapt to changes quickly will survive.

She added there will be less new companies rushing into the smartphone market and some existing feature phone vendors may even exit the market as the competition moves from just pricing to quality of the device.


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Retail sales point to firmer consumer spending

5 hrs.

Retail sales rose more than expected in December as Americans shrugged off the threat of higher taxes and bought automobiles and a range of other goods, suggesting momentum in consumer spending as the year ended.?

The Commerce Department said on Tuesday retail sales increased 0.5 percent after an upwardly revised 0.4 percent rise in November. Sales in November were previously reported to have gained 0.3 percent.?

Economists polled by Reuters had expected sales to rise only 0.2 percent. Sales were up 4.7 percent from December 2011 and rose 5.2 percent for the whole of 2012.?

So-called core sales, which strip out automobiles, gasoline and building materials and correspond most closely with the consumer spending component of gross domestic product, increased 0.6 percent after advancing 0.5 percent in November.?

The second straight month of gains in core sales suggested consumer spending picked up in the fourth quarter after rising at a annual pace of 1.6 percent in the July through September period.?

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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MRI tumor features help predict breast cancer recurrence

Researchers found that multifocality and tumor size were most influential in determining which patients had a greater chance of breast cancer recurrence.

Dania Daye from the University of Pennsylvania.

"With the multiplication of treatment options for breast cancer, it is now becoming more critical to have methods to select patients who have high benefit-to-risk ratios from the available options," said lead author Dania Daye, an MD-PhD candidate at the Perelman School of Medicine, who presented the study's results at RSNA 2012.

Radiologists currently determine a patient's prognosis using morphologic factors such as tumor pathology, tumor size and grade, and nodal status. These factors have their limitations, however.

"Although useful, prognostic methods remain limited, and there is a need to identify additional prognostic factors to help treatment decisions for breast cancer patients," Daye said.

Molecular profiling

Molecular profiling is seen as one potential avenue for predicting breast cancer recurrence risk. Daye's study included the Oncotype DX breast cancer assay from Genomic Health, which is designed to measure the expression of 21 different genes based on samples culled from primary breast cancer tissue.

The assay's findings can separate patients into three risk groups and help predict 10-year breast cancer recurrence risk. When the score is less than 18, patients are considered low risk for breast cancer recurrence. With a score between 19 and 30, patients have a medium risk of recurrence. A score greater than 30 means patients generally are at high risk for recurrence.

In her presentation, Daye cited a 2006 study which found that patients with an assay risk stratification score greater than 30 were significantly more likely to benefit from chemotherapy (Journal of Clinical Oncology, August 10, 2006, Vol. 24:23, pp. 3726-3734).

"This highlights the importance of this test in treatment decisions for breast cancer patients," she said.

The study that Daye presented at RSNA 2012 evaluated 61 patients with a mean age of 55 years (range, 37 to 74). The patients had node-negative, estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancers.

All 61 women had previously undergone Oncotype DX profiling of their tumors. Among the patients, 25 (42%) were in the low-risk category, 14 (22%) were in the moderate-risk category, and 22 (36%) were in the high-risk category.

Breast MR images were acquired on a 1.5-tesla scanner (Excite, GE Healthcare, or Sonata, Siemens Healthcare) with a slice thickness ranging from 2.4 mm to 4.4 mm.

Tumor assessment

Daye and colleagues analyzed seven characteristics of the tumors as seen on MRI: size, multifocality, shape, margin morphology, enhancement amount, enhancement kinetics, and associated nonmass enhancement.

Two clinical radiologists interpreted the images, and their scores were averaged to predict the category of cancer recurrence risk. Reader agreement was assessed using Cohen's kappa analysis.

The researchers then examined the agreement between the recurrence risk as predicted by the readers' interpretation of the MRI scans and the risk predicted by the Oncotype DX assays, Daye explained. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to determine the association between tumor features and the Oncotype DX recurrence risk category; performance of the LDA model was assessed using receiver operator characteristics (ROC) analysis.

Daye and colleagues found that of the MRI-based tumor features, multifocality and lesion size were most significant in predicting the recurrence risk categories on the Oncotype DX assays (p < 0.05). Using three of the MRI tumor features, including multifocality and lesion size, produced the most significant agreement in predicting the Oncotype DX recurrence risk categories (kappa = 0.41, p = 0.01).

The ROC analysis also showed the ability to distinguish between the three risk categories. The area under the curve (AUC) values were 0.64 for low versus intermediate risk, 0.66 for intermediate versus high risk, and 0.76 for low versus high risk.

"The best performance that we observed was distinguishing between the low-risk and the high-risk patients, with an AUC of 0.76," Daye said. "This is where most of the clinical relevance might be seen, in terms of distinguishing between the patients who will benefit the most and the least from chemotherapy treatment."

Based on the results, the researchers concluded that breast MRI tumor features could help predict breast cancer recurrence, with multifocal and larger lesions appearing to increase risk. When combined in a linear discriminant analysis model, the tumor features can predict the risk category of the Oncotype DX assay, according to the group.

Daye and colleagues plan to continue their research with larger clinical studies and patient follow-up.

"We hope to correlate with actual breast cancer recurrence, rather than using the Oncotype DX assay as a surrogate predictor of recurrence," she said. "Our long-term goal is to integrate imaging, genomic, and histopathology markers to improve prognostic assessment of breast cancer patients."

The study was performed under the supervision of Despina Kontos, PhD, director of the computational breast imaging group in the department of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania.

Study disclosures

Two study co-authors have received research support from Hologic, one of whom is a research consultant for the company. A third study co-author is a consultant with GE.


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Algoryx Simulation a Deloitte Sweden Fast 50 technology company

januari 15th, 2013

Algoryx Simulation are proud to announce that the company has been ranked as one of the Fast 50 technology companies in Sweden by Deloitte.

The companies ranked in Deloitte Sweden Technology Fast 50 are all of great importance for the Swedish economy, their technology will have a significant impact on how we all live our lives in the future. That is why we want to acknowledge their achievements, this year for the 10th year in a row, says Erik Olin, partner in charge of the Deloitte Fast 50 program.

About Deloitte Sweden Technology Fast 50 and Rising Stars The only cross-industry ranking of technology companies in Sweden. The award was initiated in 2003, and is now in its tenth year. The ranking includes public and private companies, large and small, in all areas of technology, from Internet specialists to life sciences, green tech, computers to semiconductors and software to telecommunications. Growth is based on revenue growth over the last five years according to annual reports reported to Bolagsverket per 31 July. For Fast 50 the growth is measured during 2007-2011, and for Rising Stars during 2009-2011. Please find more detailed information (in Swedish) on

About Algoryx Simulation
Established in 2007 as a spin-off from research at Ume? university, Sweden, Algoryx has quickly become an important player for industries working with simulation technologies. In particular, it has gained acceptance in the heavy vehicle industry which continually needs new technologies to design better, more efficient, and safer products. Algoryx has also successfully entered the movie visual effects market, with simulations that enable even more realistic and spectacular effects. Algoryx? education product, Algodoo, continues to gain acceptance in the global education market and is by many considered a game changer in education technology for STEM. In 2013 Algoryx will release products for the global PLM/CAD/CAE market bringing Algoryx simulation technologies to? much wider user group of designers and engineers.

Algoryx has strategic customers and partnerships to establish a solid position in four key complementary markets: engineering, science education, training simulators and visual effects for the film industry.

Customers and partners include: Kongsberg Maritime, Volvo, LKAB, Atlas Copco, Oryx Simulations, Daewoo, Intel, AMD, SMART Technologies, Digital Domain, and many universities and research institutes.

For further information, contact:
Kenneth Bodin, CEO
Cell:? +46-70-631 5520
Twitter: @kennethbodin

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Macken Bros (Chiswick, London, by Josh Howells)

Review of Macken Bros from 14 January 2013

Amazing place! We always shop from here even though the prices aren't that low, but for the quality you receive I dare say they are pretty decent.
At first Macken Bros looks like your typical butcher shop, but in reality it is a place, where quality is the main word. The meat there is always fresh and everything is organic. On special occasions they offer for example turkey, lamb and burgers, which all taste delicious, but you have to wait for one since early morning hours.
The staff are all great too. You can clearly see that they are all very well trained and completely understand their work. Each one of them is willing to give you information or recommend you a certain type of meat.
It's our local butcher and each and every dish my fiancee has cooked with meat bought from here tasted delicious.


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Number of View: 27

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Monday, January 14, 2013

World Sports Watch: Man Utd & City put pretenders in place; Euro round-up

Dominant United and City beat pretend pretenders

Reuters / Phuket Gazette

PHUKET: Premier League leaders Manchester United and second-placed champions Manchester City put former English heavyweights Liverpool and Arsenal firmly in their place yesterday with United's Robin van Persie again on song.

United sealed a needlessly nervy 2-1 home win over eighth-placed Liverpool to maintain their seven-point lead after Van Persie with a goal and Patrice Evra with two assists put rival Luis Suarez in the shade.

In contrast, the game in London was never in doubt with City winning 2-0 for their first league win at Arsenal in 38 years.

City were given a helping hand by the 9th-minute dismissal of Arsenal's Laurent Koscielny for wrestling Edin Dzeko to the ground before both James Milner and Dzeko netted before the break.

Liverpool have had to watch with horror over the last two decades as big rivals United undisputedly crowned themselves kings of the English game, trampling over the Anfield side's legacy after they had shone the brightest in the 1970s and 80s.

The first half at Old Trafford, which followed United's 2-1 win at Liverpool in September, suggested talk of the balance of power should be replaced by whisperings of the huge gulf in class such was the ineptitude of Brendan Rodgers' side.

Dutchman Van Persie, English football's in-form striker along with Liverpool's Suarez, grabbed a 19th minute opener when he swept in Evra's cross in inimitable style.

"Robin van Persie is different class. He produces moments in the game others can't do and we are glad he is on our side," man of the match Danny Welbeck told Sky.

"We had our game plan and it worked really well in the first half. They came into it more in the second half but we got the three points and showed our character."

Forward Welbeck, preferred to the in-form Javier Hernandez in the absence of the injured Wayne Rooney, justified his start with some good play although he should have done better twice in the first half when almost clean through.

Van Persie, who now has 17 goals as the league top scorer, had another chance just before the break as United overran their toothless north west neighbours but he oddly chose a cheeky flick which Martin Skrtel cleared just before the line.

Forgettable performance
Uruguay's Suarez, with 15 league goals this term, was often jeered by the home crowd in a forgettable performance where nothing went right but he took the sting out of any more vocal taunts by shaking Evra's hand before kick off.

Suarez failed to do so last season at Old Trafford after serving an eight-game ban for racially abusing the Frenchman.

The arrival of the lively Daniel Sturridge at halftime for his Premier League debut after joining from Chelsea and the fact they somehow went into the break just 1-0 down boosted Liverpool's confidence in the second half.

It was soon dampened when Van Persie's free kick was headed goalwards by Evra, prolific for a left back with four goals this term, and the ball deflected off team mate Vidic before bulging the net. No Liverpool players appealed for offside but replays showed the Serbian was just ahead of their back line.

Liverpool's defence and especially Johnson had been found wanting for the goal but Sturridge dug them half out of a hole when he struck after 57 minutes when Gerrard's piledriver could only be palmed into his path by goalkeeper David De Gea.

England's Sturridge then missed three decent chances as United boss Alex Ferguson fretted in the dugout and visiting Real Madrid manager Jose Mourinho, scouting United ahead of their Champions League clash, raised an eyebrow beneath the hood he used to shield himself from the cold and the cameras.

As it was, United closed out the win without further alarm.

City were hardly ever in danger at sixth-placed Arsenal and despite the angry response from the famously placid home fans, referee Mike Dean had little choice but to dismiss defender Koscielny for the offending bear hug and award a penalty.

Dzeko's spot kick hit keeper Wojciech Szczesny, rebounded off the post and ran along the line into the Pole's grateful arms.

Arsenal fans, held up coming into the ground because of a suspect package, could have been forgiven for thinking it might be their day after all but it soon turned into another painful game for a team who have not won a trophy since 2005.

City have usurped Arsenal as continual title challengers and their class against 10 men soon told when Milner rifled in a smart effort in the 21st minute after a good Carlos Tevez pass following a quick free kick.

Arsenal supporters also outraged by the free kick award sang "1-0 to the referee" but that was disingenuous given the foothold of Roberto Mancini's side and it was soon 2-0.

England midfielder Milner whipped in a cross and though the keeper stopped Tevez's close range effort, Dzeko could not miss.

Arsene Wenger's team barely threatened with the inconsistent Theo Walcott isolated up front and proving again that he is not the finished article by blasting one good chance woefully wide.

City's Vincent Kompany was harshly sent off for a robust challenge with 15 minutes to go but the second half was largely a non-event in the cold, somewhere Liverpool and Arsenal could be for quite some time given United and City's dominance.

European round-up
Another goal from the prolific Lionel Messi helped Barcelona to a 3-1 victory over Malaga in La Liga as the leaders ended the first half of the season with a record points haul.

Juventus's lead in Serie A was cut once again after they were held 1-1 at Parma.

Unbeaten leaders Barcelona ended the first half of the season with a record 55 of a possible 57 points when Messi scored one goal and had a hand in two more in a 3-1 win at Malaga on Sunday.

An 18th victory in 19 games for Tito Vilanova's side restored their 11-point lead over second-placed Atletico Madrid, who earlier secured a 10th win in 10 home matches this term with a 2-0 success against Real Zaragoza.

Barca's win also extended their advantage over arch rivals Real Madrid to 18 points after the stuttering champions, mired in third, were held to a 0-0 draw at bottom side Osasuna on Saturday.

Messi's goal was the World Player of the Year's 28th in the league this season and the ninth straight game he has scored, a personal best and one short of the La Liga record last achieved in the 1996-97 season by former Barca striker Ronaldo.

Chelsea are third after a 4-0 triumph at Stoke City's usual fortress after two Jon Walters own goals while fourth-placed Tottenham Hotspur drew 0-0 at former boss Harry Redknapp's bottom side Queens Park Rangers.

Juventus, eight points clear at the top of Serie A before Christmas, had their lead cut to three by Lazio after they were held 1-1 at Parma.

Andrea Pirlo gave put Juventus ahead early in the second half with a free kick which was deflected in by Jonathan Biabiany but Nicola Sansone kept Parma's unbeaten home record intact with a 77th minute equaliser.

Lazio took advantage of the result by beating Atlanta 2-0 with a controversial second-half goal from Sergio Floccari, who appeared to control the ball with his hand, and an own goal by Davide Brivio.

Napoli stayed two points behind Lazio in third with a 3-0 win over Palermo while Cagliari's 2-1 win at home to Genoa lifted them out of the relegation zone.

Olympique Lyon reclaimed the Ligue 1 top spot with a 2-1 win at struggling Troyes thanks to centre back Samuel Umtiti's first league goal.

Lyon are on 41 points from 20 games, two ahead of Paris St Germain who could only manage a 0-0 home draw against lowly Ajaccio after Thiago Motta was sent off on the stroke of half time.

Olympique Marseille are third on 38 after their four-game winning run in all competitions ended with a 3-1 defeat at 17th-placed Sochaux.

Girondins Bordeaux moved up to fourth with a 2-0 win at Stade Rennes, who fell to sixth. Both clubs are on 32 points, along with Nice who were inspired by striker Dario Cvitanich's brace in their 5-0 home hammering of Valenciennes.

Benfica and Porto scored twice each in a goal-filled opening 20 minutes of a match that ended 2-2 at the Luz stadium to keep the Portuguese Premier League title chase wide open.

The Lisbon club lead the table with 36 points from 14 matches, three ahead of Porto who have a game in hand.

Third-placed Braga missed the opportunity to close in on the pace-setters, losing 3-2 at Nacional, and are 10 points behind Benfica.


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